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Charlie and Mark were lost in an angry staring match as Tiffany dealt the next set of cards, paying extra attention to the cards as each tried to win and keep their significant other from the indignity, too drunk to question why they weren’t simply calling it off. 

They didn’t pay much attention to me, confident that I was too drunk to put up a coherent game therefore my defeat was a foregone ending. However, they also wanted to avoid their significant others sitting on the lap of their boss. 

A mistake, as it meant I was free to play with more freedom than their presence should have allowed. As usual, Tiffany was a redheaded goddess, more than happy to push limits. She started rocking up and down, subtly enough to keep them from getting suspicious but taking me deeper at every repeat. 

Soon, I was buried halfway in her, her husband unaware of what was going on just a couple feet away. I folded my hand, which made the two focus on each other even more. 

“I think we’re the better ones,” Tiffany said as she looked at Umi. Mark smiled, thinking that his wife had been supporting him, but Tiffany pushed herself down even more, devouring all of my shaft, which told a different story to Umi. 

“We’ll see,” Umi answered, pouting when she realized Tiffany had played her. I put my hand on Umi’s leg and caressed it while Tiffany rocked, trying to console her. After all, her turn would come. 

She decided some preparation was needed for it, and parted her legs, pulling her skirt up once more. She stood up slightly, I slid my hand under her, and when she sat again, she was straddling my hand. My fingers slipped inside her while she rocked, readying herself for her fiancee’s defeat. 

However, she had to bite a moan down, which would have been quite suspicious if the two men across the table hadn’t had the awareness of a concrete wall. 

Naughty girl, I thought with a smirk. I had been hopeful about her, but even in my most generous estimations wouldn’t have allowed that. She was surpassing all my estimations. I enjoyed her wetness as my fingers danced, interrupted only when Mark flipped his cards. “Three of a kind. I win,” he declared before he turned Umi. “Sweetie, go and be a proper secretary for your boss,” he said, not neglecting to try to look good at me. 

Unaware that he was triggering Charlie’s inevitable retaliation in the process… well, assuming he didn’t get blackout drunk at first, as he knocked down another drink to suppress his annoyance. And, we already knew he couldn’t hold his liqueur. 

“You heard the man,” I said as I slapped Tiffany’s ass. “But why don’t you go put some music before the next hand,” I said, then chuckled. “Something that’s fit for a lap dance.” 

Charlie looked even angrier, but rather than targeting the rightful responsible — me — he turned that gaze to Mark. 

Meanwhile, Umi once again fixed her skirt and stood up. “Maybe you should sit the other way,” I said. “I don’t like the way Mark looks at your tits.” 

Mark immediately blushed. “Hey, I don’t —” he started. 

“Shut it, Mark,” Tiffany interrupted from the other side, and then a strong beat filled the room. It wasn’t loud enough that we had to shout, but loud enough to conceal any errant moan. Then, on her way back, Tiffany pulled another trick, this time unprompted. She played with the dimmer until the room got dark enough to keep some moves secret.

Umi turned toward me and threw her leg over mine, sinking slowly. The parting of her legs was enough to ride her skirt up, which was enough to give me direct access to her core. She pressed against it, managing not to make any noise as the crown disappeared into her core. 

“Lap dance was an excellent idea, Mark,” I said, happily giving him credit, making sure Charlie firmly blamed him as Umi rocked back and forth on my lap in an effort to take me deeper. Even with preparation, she wasn’t able to take it as easily as Tiffany. 

She didn’t miss it. “Do you need help, honey,” she said as she grabbed Umi’s hips, and pushed her down. 

“Ohh!” Umi moaned, her voice echoing despite the music, making Charlie freeze. 

“It’s rude to pinch, Tiffany,” I said, giving Umi an excuse for the voice even as she hugged me, trying to resist the desire to make more. She stayed in place, trying to get used to my presence. “How would you like if I done so?” 

“Only one way of knowing, sir,” she said as she put her hands on the table, and bent forward, the angle riding her tiny skirt up completely. I pinched her ass, and she let out a throaty moan. “I have to admit, it’s not as bad —” she tried, interrupted halfway by a loud spank. “Okay, that’s bad,” she admitted playfully. 

“Honey, maybe you should distribute the cards,” Mark said, unhappy about his wife’s behavior after his victory, which was supposed to keep her safe. 

“Whatever you say, husband,” Tiffany replied, not bothering to hide the mocking edge, but Mark didn’t seem to notice it. 

“It looks like someone can’t handle what they are dishing,” Charlie commented as he looked at Mark even as Tiffany distributed the cards. 

A mistake, as Mark’s fragile ego couldn’t handle a subordinate talking back to him — unlike making his wife sit on his boss’s lap. “Umi, weren’t you supposed to be giving a lap dance,” he reminded me. 

“You’re right,” Umi said and started to move. I was glad that Tiffany dimmed the lights because even those two morons would have realized something else was going on once Umi started moving, her walls were already used to my presence to make her move aggressively. 

A beautiful dance. Tiffany distributed the cards, and the next hand started. I trusted Tiffany to manipulate the game accordingly, so, instead of watching, I put my hands under the table, leaving no doubt about where my hands were — though Charlie probably assumed I was cupping her ass over the skirt rather than enjoying her naked ass. 

Umi was happy with that addition, rocking back and forth as her tight pussy devoured my shaft repeatedly. And, in her wild movements, her blazer buttons popped open, letting her naked tits smash against my chest. 

“Your move, boss?” Mark interrupted. 

“Call,” I said, not even bothering to check my cards. The pot was small enough for it to be okay. 

Meanwhile, Umi bent backward, giving a better view of her tits. I swallowed and licked my lips, wishing that I could put my lips on them like usual, but that would be too much even for the two morons still playing poker seriously. 

I called a few times while they played, but otherwise didn’t pay much attention. That was why I was surprised when the game ended, and I won, thanks to a pair of pocket Queens. 

How delightfully ironic. 

“Since I won, what are we going to do?” I asked. 

“Maybe you should just stitch, sir? Variety is key to life, after all.” 

“No. I think Umi should lose a piece of clothing,” Mark interrupted, proving just how vindictive — and shortsighted — he could be. 

“Excellent idea,” I said. “Umi, arms.” 

She followed that order, and I pulled her blazer, leaving her top naked, though thanks to her position, nothing but her naked back and a little side boob was visible. “You two, look the other way,” Tiffany called sharply. “It’s rude.” 

“But —” Mark said, which died quickly under Tiffany’s angry glare. 

“She’s my fiancee. What’s the harm,” Charlie interrupted, but he was too weak to resist Tiffany’s glare. 

Her sharp tongue was worse. “So, are you saying you enjoy watching her giving him a lap dance because of your mistake? What’s wrong with you,” she called. 

At this point, both Charlie and Mark were too buzzed to realize the absurdity of that statement. During the last couple of hands, they had decided to deal with their frustration by drinking faster, which was a bad idea. 

Frustration and alcohol didn’t mix prettily. At this point, they were pretty sloshed, but still thought of themselves as sober.

They looked the other way. I lifted Umi to the table, ramming her to the beat of the music so the noise from the table mixed with other instruments. Tiffany put a leg over a chair, playing with herself while I rammed into Umi again and again, until the inevitable happened and I flooded her core with my seed. 

“I think we tortured them enough,” I said as I let Umi put her jacket on, but she stayed on my lap. “Let’s continue playing… We still have a game to finish... ” 


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