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Hello everyone, I decided to arrange an open vote. It is interesting to know your opinion.

Do you think a sexy orc female should have bottom fangs or not?

Thank you!


Veronica Tee

Fangs/tusks are cute 😳


first time seeing the pictures i thought it was buff elf without tusks


Can’t it be both? Cute faces with cute bottom tusk?


Don’t forget that beauty mark on that Orc face with tusks


I would instantly be for B, but i saw good examples on how well it looks without fangs. Your Route 69 comic for instance. I think bottom fangs wouldnt have had fit there in the slightest. I vote for A here, cuz fangs are not always an absolute must have. There are cases where it doesnt fit the overall appearance. And the Route69 orc was one of those.


Without tusks she's just an elf who has eaten something she should not have...


I voted A, but I don't really have nothing against those fangs neither.


If the drawing was painted, you would immediately recognize this character as an orc


Technically it is possible. But there will be more options, futanari, hairy, hairy futanari. Too many pictures. I plan to draw a cute face on a separate layer so that you can switch layers in photoshop to create the one you like


Yes, I agree with you. But I plan to experiment with orc designs. Tusks with a pretty face will look good


Yea because of the green skin, but buff elf would be nice to it's rare


I'm voting A because I have to make a choice. But I agree with ShinjiTao --- it depends on the story. The more savage orcs could have tusks; the ones that live in cities not so much. But it would be neat to have them without tusks while in the cities and villages, but then, when in the wild for a protracted period, have them revert to their savage state -- more heavily muscled, tusks, long coarse hair....


I agree. But I will not go into such details. It's just that now I will use tusks if I need to show ferocious orcs.


<p style="color: #008600;">Good poll... As for me, she looks better without fangs, without them she is more attractive and feminine</p>


I think the fangs will not interfere with this beautiful orc girl) And I also like her strong muscles