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Dear patrons.

Starting this month there will appear serious changes in patreon. Let me share with you details and my plans regarding future projects.

Last months which I devoted to work on my comics were very saturated. Comics creation is a very difficult but interesting work and I like it.

In addition to "Captive of the orcs" I have many ideas and stories with bright heroes. Unfortunately I won't be able to implement those to life in the nearest future. 

I got an offer to become a part of a team creating adult games. It was not an easy choice, to continue with my own comics and projects, or start to create games.

I decided to create games to realize myself not only as an artist but also as an animator. 

Thus, there will be changes in patreon work and some rewards.

Once in a month you will get artwork as usually, in two variants, futa and female. Also I will share with you some pictures and chetches of games. Important! There won't be any fute characters in a game, just male and female ones.

As for rewards I cancel step-by-step gifs reward. Instead of it Pro and Guru patrons will get access to scetches. 

Now let's talk about not very pleasant things. 

Hundreds of people are joining to my patreon, getting rewards and after that cancel own pledges. Concerning this Patreon support sent me a letter with recommendation to turn on a function Charge up patrons. This means that first patrons pay and after that get content. But I don't want to turn on this function right now, especially now, when everything is changing. 

I'd like to let you know that I'm sincerely grateful to your support and motivation.

It's time to move on and I'm sure that all the best is waiting for us!




Good luck in your future work Rino :-) Fi~Fi XXX


so your saying there won’t be anymore captive of the orcs? awww i loved seeing trisa and mirielle together.


Good luck! Dont forget to tell us what game you'll work on :)


Turn the charge up function on. Fuck the parasites. Also, good luck in your career in animation. you deserve it.


Don't worry. I won't forget about these characters. You will see Trisa in the nearest future.


Thank you. I will share with you the news. you will know the details.


Thanks a lot. I will think about this function, thank you for advice.


Fuck yea! Do it!


Something you might want to consider is these people signing up and canceling are probably downloading your images and redistributing them... well not probably, they are. In Fact I run across just about everything you post here elsewhere on the net. As a supporter, it does make me wonder what exactly i'm paying for each month. That being said, hopefully you'll figure out a solution and continue posting content here. Goodluck with the game project.


As a creator I give my patrons exclusive content, but I cannot do anything with theft. It's a huge issue for many creators on Patreon. I'm really grateful to all of you who support me and motivate, thank you!