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A fairly old commission i made for SyncroVox on FurAffinity.
Vox also wrote a story to go with the pic!(He has some really good stories on his account,i reccomend you checking it out^^)


Stella splashed her face with cold water, leaving the sink running as she let it drip off of her sweating features

 S: Fucking summer heat...  

"Heat" actually does a disservice to describe just how hot it was outside for the skunk, the sweltering heat being pelted down from the sun was amplified against her black fur. Every part of her body was absolutely dripping with sweat, her crop top and shorts so waterlogged that they clung to her body like tape. Her car picked the worst day to break down, forcing her to have to jog out in this heat to get to and from the lunch she had planned with her friend. Making the situation worse was that her friend left without offering her a ride home, meaning she was now having to walk back home right as the sun reached it's highest point in the clear sky. The heat had been so bad that she had to grumpily duck into a bathroom near a city football field, one full of the town's professional team and their cheerleaders practicing without a care. Seeing that only made her more annoyed; why did they get to be blessed with lighter fur that didn't draw in warmth like a black hole? Stella continued to grumple to herself in annoyance, that was until she heard the door to the standalone communal restroom open up 

N: It was a lot of fun today, I'll see you guys later!  

 Stella glanced up, seeing one of the cheerleaders walk in, a female Shinx. The Shinx walked over to the sink next to the skunk, putting her water bottle down and beginning to splash her face with cold water before turning to the skunk and smiling 

N: Hiya! It's a real warm one out there today, huh? My name's Noija, it's nice to meet you!  

S: Stella.  

The Shinx - Noija - still kept that happy smile on her face even after being rebuffed, and was about to extend a hand to the skunk, still trying to be nice, before a very rotten, ripe smell hit her nose. She hadn't even taken notice until now that the skunk was absolutely dripping in sweat. She playfully wafted the smell away from her face 

N: Whew, smells like the heat got you worse than me. C'mon, there's a nice clean shower over there you can use after me. I'll even get you a towel! 

 Noija's voice was filled with kindness, not realizing in the slightest that her words could've been taken in the wrong way. And taken the wrong way they were, Stella grinding her teeth at the Shinx, silently fuming. Even as the Shinx turned to walk towards the shower, Stella was prepared to give her an earful - until she noticed that Noija had left her water bottle on the sink counter.
As the Shinx hummed aloud and turned on the shower, a devious idea formed in Stella's head, remembering something she had bought online. Hoping it was in her pocket, she felt mischievous elation finding the tiny bottle there - a potent potion that would shrink the drinker down to only a mere 4 inches tall until they drank the accompanying antidote.
The Skunk smiled to herself, at the luck she had been bestowed, opening Noija's water bottle up and pouring the potion inside it. She was going to have fun today, and there would be no better fun for her than bullying this peppy Shinx. All she had to do was wait for her to finish showering...
It was a long 10 minutes, the wait feeling unbearably longer for Stella, until Noija finally exited the shower, clad in her normal clothes and still drying her hair off. She approached the sink, taking notice that the skunk was smiling now, seemingly unable to keep the wide grin off of her face 

N: Alright, Stella, the shower's all yours now! It was nice meeting you!  

S: Heh, thanks

Stella took a few steps towards the shower, all while looking back at the Shinx, seeing her put her hair back in their pigtails before finally taking a big swig out of her water bottle. The wicked smile that spread across the skunk's face almost couldn't contain the chuckle she was trying to silence, not wanting to give any part of her plan away. That was until the Shinx got a surprised look on her face, looking down at her body as she quickly shrunk down to tbe ground, her clothes thankfully coming with her into her miniature form.
She looked around, stammering in shock at her newfound tiny size, until she heard a growing laughter come from behind her as Stella thunderously walked over. The skunk picked up the tiny Noija, seeing her little face etched with shock and a bit of fear was almost too good for her

N: Hey! Hey, what happened? Why am I so small?  

S: Why? Because you're mine now, Noija. And I like my toys small and helpless.  

Noija's pupils dilated as the words hit her like mack trucks, it dawning on her that the skunk she thought was just being grouchy had slipped some kind of shrinking potion in her water. Fear filled her tiny form, knowing she was now at the mercy of the sweaty skunk, turning into full-blown panic as she was swung around Stella's body, the skunk dropping her sodden shorts to the floor and revealing her equally drenched underwear, ones absolutely embedded with the repulsive stench that came from hugging the nethers of a skunk 24/7.
Stella pulled the waisteband of said underwear out, revealing a swampy chasm of smell that steamed up the mirror on the wall, the aroma making Noija retch even from here

 S: Welcome to your new home, bug! Sorry to ruin your freshly showered fur, but I really need a good rag down there! Maybe you'll get lucky and I'll you'll get out when I shower... in a few days!

  Stella devilishly laughed as she dropped Noija in the back of her panties, the tiny Shinx bouncing on the reeking fabric with muted SPLESH! Near immediately after landing, Stella hiked her underwear up, effectively wedgying the abused undergarments deep enough into her cheeks that she looked naked from behind, a sickening SQUELCH echoing throughout the room. As bad as it sounded, it felt and smelled much much worse for Noija, who had her puny petrified face harshly pressed right against the wrinkly, wet donut of the skunk, an indescribably wretched smell filling her nostrils as if they were the only place it could go. Immediately the Shinx began to worm around, gagging and retching at the terrifyingly toxic stench that was now soaking into every molecule of her body, seemingly concentrated right on her poor poor face.
Worse yet, as she gagged, her mouth was filled with the grimy, salty sweat that was coating the skunk's putrid pucker, adding another layer of hell to the experience. All the while, Stella laughed manically, bending down and pulling her shorts up over her big butt, trapping in even more of the malicious musk with the Shinx for her to marinate in
S: Hoh, you feel reeeeeal good down there, I think you'll be lucky if I ever let you go. And lucky for me, I control how lucky you are!
As if to punctuate the horrifying thought, Stella pushed out an absolutely abysmal ass blast, washing over the Shinx and filling her senses with a smell so indescribably bad that she would've smelled better if she had spent a week tied in a bag of wet garbage that was thrown in a hot sewer. As the raunchy eruption finally sputtered to a close after 12 long seconds, Stella laughed again as she felt Noija retch and squirm

 S: Aw... What is it? You don't like the smell? Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Eventually. Maybe... 

With another mischievous laugh, Stella jogged out of the bathroom, intent on keeping the poor Shinx as her new toy for the foreseeable future. Feeling her struggle and gag between her swampy, sloshing cheeks as she jogged - you couldn't buy that kind of fun. She smiled to herself, thinking she may well never let Noija go if she kept up being this fun to bully Several weeks had gone by, long enough that neither Noija nor Stella knew the exact length of since their first encounter.
Ever since then, the poor Shinx had spent each and every day of her life, every single minute of every day, stuck under the rotten ass of the skunk. While Stella went about her day, Noija was there to keep her overactive anus company. While she ate her breakfast, lunch and dinner, Noija was there to be blasted with the airy aftermath of each meal.
Even while Stella slept, Noija remained deep between her cheeks, the skunk's pucker practically cuddling her as it blew repulsive kisses into her nose and mouth. Sometimes Stella would step up her fun, getting the Shinx to rim her grotesque ass as she unleashed her morning thunder on her by telling her she'd get to spend some time outside of her ass - only for Noija to be cast into Stella's sock for a few hours, being constantly stepped on, her face squelched between her rancid toes until Stella felt she could hold her gas in no longer, returning her to her home away from home in her underwear.
This had gone on so long that Noija began to lose some fight, at least when she wasn't being blasted with the hydrogen bombs of stink Stella would pump out onto her petit form. Even Stella sometimes forgot Noija was down there, audibly thinking aloud

S: Weird, I think I forgot something... Eh, it's probably nothing.  

Followed by her lifting a leg up from her sitting position to unleash a repugnant, bubbly blast of gas, quickly followed by a rotten wet one, feeling like it was popping like her bowl of Rice Krispies 

S: Uh, these are ripe today. Sucks there ain't anyone around to smell them...  Her words filled the exhausted, reeking Noija with even more dread; if she forgot she was down there, that meant there was little chance she'd ever get out. The thoughts made her lightly tremble, having little energy to do anything else. If her plan was to try and alert Stella to her presence, it worked - though to a far more detrimental degree than she thought. Stella reached back, feeling a tickle between her cheeks that needed to be itched, pressing Noija's whole face into her swampy pucker as she scratched. The vibrations of Noija's screams alerted Stella, reminding her of her prisoner, a devious smile creeping across her face

S: Hah, I had forgotten you were down there, Noija! You feel so good, it felt natural having you in my ass! So natural in fact that I think I will be continuing to keep you hehe



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