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Kat and Olivia belong to the lovely @textingStudios
Commissioned by the lovely @goopy2341

Also,@textingStudios wrote a story for the comm!

"I keep getting filtered. Fuck this game and fuck you for suggesting it, chat!" she groans, taking a sip of her energy drink. Her professional attitude subsiding in sight of her dwindling view count. "What's wrong?" Her friend Olivia asks from behind, turning her gaze away from the squirrel she’d been watching outside. Kat sighs. "Game’s trash, people are clicking off." Olivia raises an eyebrow. "Maybe you need to switch things up a bit. Try something new. Lemme play too, we can do like a punishment game for the loser or something!" Kat turns to face her, surprised.
"Seriously?" Olivia smirks. "C’mon! It’d be good content and you know it! It’s like a money match." Kat's eyes light up. A money match, her two favorite things combined into one. "You wanna fight me? You’re entering my domain while I’m at full power. You know you’re going to lose, right?" Kat asks, thankful Olivia hadn’t realized she had been getting her ass rocked in this game online up until this moment. "Nah. I’ll win." Olivia quickly retorts. Olivia pauses at Kat’s eye twitch.
"Fine fine, maybe not. But think about it, it could be a great opportunity to get people in. Plus, it's just a game, right?" The memories of that event play out in Kat’s mind as she watches Olivia’s spread asshole descend towards her face at high speed. Stupid button masher, she knew that game didn’t require any skill if even freaking Olivia could beat her! Her bitterness was pressed out of her as Olivia's butt lands on her face with one mother of a thwack, causing Kat's bed to creak dangerously. The chat explodes with a mix of shock, amusement, and a flood of emotes.
“Oh hey, chat! Did you know I’m the person that drew Kat’s emotes? I’m open for commissions if you wanna hire me!” Kat, momentarily stunned under the weight of her friend's ruthlessly timed self-promotion, pushes Olivia away with a playful look of disgust.
"Okay, okay," she says between laughs, "you win this round, Olivia. I’ve seen enough of your—" But before Kat can fully recover, Olivia slides back over and presses down on her again. "Come on, you can't give up yet. Look! Your view count is already going up." Kat's flailing hands find Olivia's cheek as she tries to push her head free. "You deaf? I told you to get off— wait, how many viewers are we talking?" There is a brief struggle as Olivia lifts her butt slightly, allowing Kat to turn her head enough to see the screen. The numbers have indeed skyrocketed - people are loving the unexpected turn of events in the stream.
"Over a thousand," Olivia announces triumphantly, her voice filled with mischievous pride. Kat's eyes widen in disbelief.
"What? That's insane!" Olivia settles comfortably on top of Kat, grinning down at her trapped friend. "Told you. See? I have good ideas sometimes." With some breathing room now, Kat looks back at Olivia's ass with a grimace, was she really about to sacrifice her dignity for short term gain? Yes.
"Alright, chat," she calls out, her voice slightly strained from the weight but still full of the energy she needs to do her streamer voice, "You heard her. We're doing this. If you want to keep seeing her drown me in ass, hit the follow, gimme subs. Any donos will go towards my future medical and or therapy bills depending on which I need first." With that, she lets Olivia's cheeks fall back over her face. She may not be thrilled about this turn of events, but she's not about to give up a chance at a surprise windfall.
“Yay! You hear that, chat? Let’s go for a marathon! I been holding this in since we she handed me the controller!” Kat tensed up, dread creeping up her spine at the realization for what she just signed up for. For some reason, she didn’t think Olivia would fart on her. How could she have been so naive? All at once Olivia blasted Kat’s face point blank, the noise of it muffled into the fabric of the mattress beneath them, as well as into Kat’s hair. The chat went absolutely wild, sending a flurry of reactions with speed that made it impossible for anyone to keep up.
"Olivia! I swear to God!" Kat's muffled voice floated up, her arms flailing in a mix of panic and annoyance as she tried to escape, but Olivia held her arms firm, laughing uncontrollably.
"You’re laughing!? You come into my house, you wage chemical warfare on my stream! And you’re laughing!?" Kat croaks out from between Olivia’s legs.
“Yup.” Olivia's laughter is infectious, and despite the situation, even Kat can’t be mad at her. It's nasty, Amber’s definitely gonna make fun of her later, but most importantly—it's getting her paid.




Olivia will never not be sexy! You drew her ass perfectly, and textingstudios’ stories are always on point! A perfect combo!


I follow textingStudios ( aka textingEdits ) for a while, so those characters are already familiar to me. Commission or not, I love your artistic take on them.


Gassy gamer girls in pajamas is definitely a "Type" of mine!