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A story about Acerola - Too hot for summer

The following story includes sexual content and elements of foot fetish. All characters depicted in this work are adults.

Note: The content of this story is purely fictional.

And there I was, hanging out with my childhood friend, Acerola. We were on Ula'ula Island, and even though it was past noon, it was still too hot. Not even the cool sea breeze could help. So we took refuge in the library. After all, that's where she would meet a pair of residents later that day.

As soon as we walked in, Acerola threw off her shoes at the entrance. She gave me a chance to stare at her bare feet as she was flashing her smooth-looking and a bit dirty soles. The show did not last long as we found the right place to chill among the shelves full of books. We both sat on the floor, one in front of the other.

It turns out that the Ghost-type Trainer already had something prepared for me. She wanted to read me a story and even prepared a bowl of chocolate-flavored candy. She had recently rediscovered it and just wanted to make sure it wasn't boring.

“A long, long time ago, in a forest on this island, there lived a ghost hated by the people." Acerola read aloud, holding a large book of fairy tales that she had just placed on her lap. "The ghost was very violent and liked to frighten everyone. What's more, it was very greedy and would run off with anything that struck its fancy. The villagers named it The Greedy Rapooh." She continued, pausing to glance at me over the pages with those purple eyes of hers.

Acerola caught me red-handed. I was inspecting one of her light purple sandals. I pretended to look at it closely, secretly taking a couple of short whiffs of the intoxicating foot odor. With my focus on her shoe’s insole, I noticed the leather design bearing darkened toeprints that engraved the top of it. But what caught my attention the most was the overpowering, pungent smell, similar to that of old cheese, clinging to its surface.

"Anon! Why do you have that? I thought I left my shoes at the entrance..." Acerola exhaled as her shoulders sagged. "You're not even listening to me. Are you...? I need your opinion on this. I want to know if this story is good enough for the kids."

"Of course I'm paying attention to you!" I flinched at her sudden question. "It's just that... uh... look what I found!" I pointed at the insole of the footwear still in my hand, just at the level where the balls of the foot were supposed to lay. "There is a long, dry stain right here! I thought something had spilled on it and wanted to find out what it was. I was trying to help, you know." I awkwardly excused myself.

"Oh! Sure. Sure. Sure." She arched a questioning brow. "And... did you figure it out?"

"Eh... No."

"Well, maybe SOMEONE spilled SOMETHING on it... Maybe the last time I spent the night at your house?" The young woman smirked at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I answered, folding my arms. "I mean… You're surrounded by children all day. Kids are messy and you like to go barefoot when you're indoors. Even now. Look at yourself. I think some of the little ones you take care of spilled some juice on it."

"Anon... Anon..." Her hair wiggled from side to side as she shook her head. "What a trouble maker you are! Ever since we were children, you have always been the same. You're lucky that I think your affection for my feet is cute." She sighed again.

I pretended not to hear that. I took one of the taffy-like candies from the bowl near us and started giving my opinion about the story she was reading before. However, the purple-haired girl made me shut up in a way I wasn't expecting.

Stretching her legs out in front of her, Acerola put her feet up on my lap. She was holding one of the aforementioned candies between her big and second toe of each foot.

That was a bizarre scenario, even for someone like me. Sweat dripped from the tips of her toes to her heels. She wasn't wearing any shoes since we arrived at the library, but her feet were steaming as if she had been in boots all day. I could feel the heat emanating from them.

Acerola's meaty soles were just a couple of inches away from my dick, which surprised both of us when it jumped inside my pants, hard as stone. She pulled them away, more worried than upset.

"May I pull it out?" I asked with a bit of nerve.

"Are you talking about your penis?" She gasped, keeping her voice down. "You can be pretty naughty when you want to get your hands on my feet!"

"Is that a yes?" I smirked at her.

"Of course not, Anonymous! We are in a public place!" She lowered her voice until it was barely audible. "I was being a teaser... Just that! Now, you are asking way too much!"

"And that was too much for me! You can't do that and then leave me like this..." I replied, hiding my notorious boner under her sandal. "Could you at least put them on my face?"

"You are like The Greedy Rapooh, always wanting more and more." She sighed in defeat, using her soles to cover my mouth. "But hurry up! Remember, my reading friends will be here at any minute."

At this point, my erection throbbed so hard that I was bumping the girl's shoe on my lap. I think she noticed it because I immediately felt like she pulled it out of there.

My nose rested between Acerola's toes, where the stench filled my nostrils. It was an intoxicating smell of aged cheese and vinegar. I looked back at her to know how she would react.

The Ghost-type Trainer was looking around to make sure no one caught us. She had her guard down, so I lifted her right foot and planted a kiss right on the big toe. Making my way down her thick heel, I stopped there to suck it.

"Anon!" She tried to pull the objects of my lust away again. She was in disbelief.

But I didn't allow it this time. I held her tightly by the heels and licked the sweat off her right arch instead. That salty taste, mixed with the day's grime, made me leak precum through my pants.

"Anon!" She exclaimed a second time, sounding a little annoyed now.

Struggling to get rid of my hold, my childhood friend wiggled her toes all over my face. That didn't work, so she tried to pinch my nose in a futile attempt to stop me as I continued to worship her soles. That brought me to the point of no return. I was about to ejaculate.

"Alola!" A couple of infantile voices were heard getting closer, interrupting one of the best moments of my life

"Alola, kids!" Acerola raised her voice to greet her friends back before meeting them at the entrance.

I had no choice but to let her go. After doing her best to wipe the saliva off the soaked bottoms of her feet, she stood up. It’s worth mentioning that the girl didn't do that so well, because she left wet footprints in her wake.

"Big sis Acerola! Which book will you read us today?" A boy asked as soon as he saw her.

After what happened, I didn't plan on staying. I had to go home to jerk off vigorously. But not without first looking Acerola in the eyes to make sure everything is fine.

"Well, kids." The girl made a pause and then glanced back at me while talking to her friends. "Did you hear about The Greedy Rapooh? It's a very greedy ghost who also likes to smell feet". She continued with a smile on her face.

"Feet??? Eww!" Both children shouted for disgust as I walked away from the place, thinking about what I possibly started that day...



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