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The following story includes sexual content and elements of foot fetish. All characters depicted in this work are adults.

Note: The content of this story is purely fictional.

There I was, minding my own business and thinking about a series of recent events. Many will not know about this. My name is Anon D. Anonymous. Recently, the relationship between my stepmother Lusamine and I, have gone through many changes. Let's say I've been pushing her to try things that she finds... weird. Maybe too many things.

Since I was at her house during the last incident, I decided to leave. She wanted me to stay to talk about that with her, but taking some time for myself before doing it seemed like a good idea. So, in need of some fresh air and tranquility, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, I decided to go camping.

I'm not an expert on the subject, but I figured that just a tent, some supplies, and maybe coal to light a fire would be enough. After getting everything in a store, ignoring all the pieces of advice of the employee, I went to the nearby forest.

After a couple of minutes, I found what looked like a clearing not so far from the road to settle down. When everything was ready, I sat on the stump of a tree, took a deep breath and realized that I had made a big mistake. Camping was boring as hell.

Either way, I had already invested money in this. Not to mention the store guy made it very clear to me that he would not accept returns. So yeah. I stayed anyway. Luckily, my cell phone had coverage and enough battery to last the weekend if I knew how to use it wisely.

I decided to take a look at Instagram to kill a couple of hours. Picture after picture, I slide my finger across the screen, checking out the latest content from my favorite foot models. After all, October just ended. And many of the aforementioned were posting their best content to tease those brave ones who dared to play the No Nut November Challenge.

I had no intention of restraining myself. I was starting to feel aroused. Masturbating in the middle of the woods was a bit intimidating, so I was going slow. Instead of touching myself with my free hand, I was playing with the ornament of my necklace. A strange crystal in the shape of a diamond, with a deep yellow color and the drawing of a lightning bolt.

While I was busy being a pervert, something was happening without my knowledge. Hidden amongst the trees, someone was watching me from far away…

It was getting dark. I wasn't able to start a fire without the risk of it spreading quickly over the woodland. So, I forgot about that. Instead, I dressed up warmly and took refuge inside the tent where I had enough blankets. Since I was in a safer place, I unzipped my pants, still with my cellphone in one of my hands, to continue with my Instagram activities.

When I pulled out my penis, it looked less perky than I expected. That changed when the call from Lusamine, my lovely stepmother, interrupted me. My down-there friend stood up like a soldier. I do not blame him. Just one night ago, I had the chance to explore the bottoms of her feet with my tongue.

I didn't want to answer, but I had to do it. So, first of all, I laid down to make sure that I would be comfortable while being scolded. My mother was angry.

"You abused my trust and ran out of my house when I clearly told you not to." The woman reproached me. "You know we NEED to talk, young man. And we won't do it over the phone. Come here! NOW."

I said I would not return. Not yet. And it was clear that she needed some space to calm down. I did my best to convince her that this was for the best. At least, for now. But she wasn't used to getting a no for an answer.

It is worth mentioning that during our whole conversation, I was also stroking my member. I felt guilt, but also a great pleasure. Hearing her being so bossy started to be a big turn-on for me.

Plus, doing that without her having a clue made it better. I'm surprised Lusamine didn't notice my heavy breathing because I was jerking off like a mad man, fantasizing about having her soft and pinkish soles wrapped around my penis again.

Unfortunately, she hung up before I could finish. I stopped short. Somewhat frustrated, I stayed on the ground. And there I was, lying on my back, with the cock sticking out my pants and still rock hard. A really pathetic view, if you ask me.

Seriously thinking about going back to the city to stay in a hotel, I began to play with the crystal on my necklace as I did before. It was then that I felt a cool breeze come from the outside. The tent entrance was partially open, and I didn't notice it until that happened. However, that was not the only surprise I got.

It was then that I saw it. I wasn't sure what that creature was at that moment. I only knew that a pair of purple eyes with bright blue pupils were staring at me, and they surely were doing it from the start.

"Back off!" I ordered, at the same time that I completely unzipped the entrance.

I saw it and couldn't believe it. It was Pheromosa herself. She was an Ultra Beast. A group of extradimensional Pokémon that my stepmother had told me about. The rumors about her beauty were true.

With both hands on her wide hips, the chin held high, and a haughty look, Pheromosa stood before me with that curvy, white body. Strangely enough, I can say she bore some resemblance to Lusamine.

Her torso was composed of discs that dropped slightly downward. Being the sequence interrupted only by a pair of generously endowed breasts and a flat abdomen.

The Pokémon also had a small, semi-flattened head with a crown-like structure on top. The two tallest points of the crown pointed to her long, thin antennae, which had small balls at the tips.

Attached to the back of her head, she had two structures that looked like long human hair that reached nearly to the ground. While my eyes explored her figure, I discovered that her hands were almost human, just like her feet, which I inspected carefully. They were petite, with short and perfectly rounded toes.

The Ultra Beast must have noticed my interest in that part of her body. And maybe I got too close. Because the first thing she did was take a step back before extending her long leg to kick me two times right in the face with her bare sole. Beyond the pain, the feel of that creamy bottom against me was arousing.

The crystal on my necklace gleamed, and my dick throbbed. The creature's eyes followed the first one with interest and the second with curiosity. She tried to enter the tent but stopped a second earlier.

My underwear lying on the groundsheet and some precum spilled around seemed to be enough reasons to stay outside. Pheromosa, who had remained with a cold expression until then, looked grossed out after noticing those things.

On top of that, my cell phone had fallen facing up, and the picture of a girl using her toes to hold a banana was on the screen. Another detail that the strange visitor contemplated, slightly tilting her head to the side.

No matter what had happened, I must have informed Lusamine about this discovering. But my pervert sense was telling me that I could get something out of this situation.

"Humanoid or not, she is still a Pokémon." I meditated. "Am I really ready to cross that line?"

But the Ultra Beast snapped me out of my thoughts, extending her hand to take my necklace. The creature's tall, with long extremities. Even so, I was able to stay out of her reach since the tent was big and spacious.

Pheromosa stood on tiptoe, stretching as far as it could without any success. Noticing my intentions, she quickly circled my portable shelter and tried to reach me from the other side. By sheer luck, I was able to avoid being caught again. Staying at the center of the tent seemed to be a better idea. So, I did it.

It was clear that this humanoid being was disgusted enough by my habitat to not get inside. I don't know why she didn't try to steal my crystal before.

From this point on, the best I could do was try to communicate with her.

"This is a Z-Crystal, right?" I took the diamond-shaped object between my fingers and showed it to the extradimensional visitor, who had come back to pose before me.

Pheromosa didn't take her huge eyes off the item until I talked again.

"Listen. I don't know why you are so interested in this, but I will give it to you on one condition." I explained. "I want you to use your feet..." I pointed to her lower limbs. "To do this..." I continued, taking my phone and showing her the picture of the girl she noticed before."...With my penis!" I added, holding my exposed manhood.

The Ultra Beast had followed my every move with her gaze the entire time.

"And if you do it right, I will give you what you want so much. Do you understand?" I asked her.

After a long silence, an expression of disgust clouded Pheromosa's face. Then, she sat down on the grass, leaning back, whilst keeping most of her body outside the tent. With both legs extended and soles displayed upright, she only let her feet go inside and took my meat between her toes. Her polished and nicely clipped toenails were stunning. A tight grasp... the softness of her warm radiating soles were enough to make me hard again. But nothing else happened after that.

"No! No! You need to move them too!" I complained. "I'm sure you saw me masturbating before. Do the same movement, but use your feet instead!" I commented while I was making the jerking-off motion with my hand.

The humanoid being seemed to understand what I wanted and started to twitch her elegant legs to do the job. Suddenly, her movements reached such a speed that I thought she would burn my shaft.

"Stop! Stop!" I yelled, sweating profusely. "Ugh... maybe a dry foot job wasn't a smart idea!"

To solve this, I gripped her thin ankle to bring her right foot to my face. With a quick and delicate hand stroke, I prepared her silky heel for my tongue.  A wet lick from that point, along her arch, and up to her toe pads would have provided enough saliva to be used as a lubricant. But once I did that, I couldn't stop myself.

Her dainty foot was as clean as the rest of her body. Oddly enough, it tasted like a combination of wild berries.

Despite the extradimensional entity showing she didn't appreciate my advances, I let my tongue keep running. She spread her toes uncomfortably. Which I took advantage of, popping her big toe inside my mouth.

She pulled her foot back and kicked my cheek with quick, short movements. Then, she rubbed the sole of her foot all over my face like she was using me to clean the uncleanness of my saliva.

A furious glance of her warned me I shouldn't do that again.

"Okay, message received." I slid back. "Let's continue. But remember. Not that fast! Do it slowly. Slowly..." I repeated, guiding the objects of my desire back to my dick and up and down at an acceptable speed.

Even though this Pokémon was following my instructions as if I was her trainer, she preferred to look at her surroundings, showing complete disinterest in what she was doing.

"Hey!" I tried to get her attention but was ignored. If anything, Pheromosa curled her toes. Very slightly. Which made all of this more exciting for me for some reason.

"Hey!" I tried again. "Don't let your toes do all the job. Pump this boy a little." I commanded.

The extradimensional sighed. Completely fed up, she just pressed the balls of both feet against my cock. After a few moments, she relaxed her ankles and then squeezed my erection again, quite a bit more than before, repeating this sequence on her own monotonous accord.

"Okay, if you don’t like those beauties being worshiped, let's see what you think about this..." I whispered. Taking advantage of being ignored, I applied some oil. The liquid drops from the tip of my glans, dripping between the subtle wrinkles of her human-looking soles and over the tops of her feet.

Pheromosa flinched upon feeling such sensible parts of her body getting drenched by some unknown substance. Annoyed, the creature used a low kick this time, nailing her heel in my testicles. My hips began to quiver. Then, a double kick movement caught me off guard, and my penis shook violently.

Noticing my expression of pain, the Ultra Beast held the head of my penis with the toes of one foot, using the toes of the other to keep it upright. She looked a little worried, maybe thinking I wouldn't give her my Z-Crystal after such an exhibition of strength.

But, without warning, I shot a long and thick blast, which coated from the balls of her right foot to the heel. But the one, two, and three following charges landed on the whitish tops of both of her feet.

With blurred eyes, I look up at the Pokemon's face. At first, she was surprised. With her mouth wide open, she even blushed. But that feeling of amazement disappeared as soon as it arrived. She was not at all pleased. Then, down onto the sticky mess I just did. A pair of feet drenched in thick globs of my sperm was enough to be physically abused again.

She attacked me with another double kick movement. Hitting my chest but also using my shirt as a towel to clean up and restore the immaculateness of her feet.

I blacked out and I lost money. Somehow… I don't know what happened next. I only remember the noise of a motor running. A car door closing. And a voice. That was Lusamine's voice.






Nice drawing keep up the good work