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The following story includes intense sexual content and elements of foot fetish, such as footjobs. All characters depicted in this work are adults.

Note: The content of this story is purely fictional.

And there I was, minding my own business when one of my comrades arrive to warn me there is an intruder at our base. “Yes, it is a single enemy! A woman!”The man explains to me. His forehead is covered in sweat.

I know my partner is apt to exaggerate. However, I listen to his concerns and decide to attend to the matter. So I throw my heavy brown sack on my back and then made my way through the dimly lit underground corridors, following the sounds heard in the distance.

When I find the female responsible for all the fuss, I immediately draw my sword to attack her with a powerful slash. To my surprise, not only she is able to stop me on the spot, but she does it, holding the edge of my weapon with just one hand.

“You’re so brave!” The short stature girl mocks me with a faint smile.

“Y-You monster!” It’s the only thing that I can say.

“Do you realize it now?” She states with those seductive crimson-red eyes of hers. “I’m cruel, cold, and terrible. As well as quite a beautiful little vampire.”

The lack of light and fresh air must be getting to me because I can’t believe I think her eyes are seductive. Even worse, being so close to that creature, I notice her pale shiny skin and fine facial features and can’t help but fall in love with her.

“Oh? Why are you blushing, swordsman?” The bloodsucker tilts her head to the side. “Oh! Am I detecting a change in your heart rate? Fufufu~ I think I already know what’s happening~” She laughs.

“It’s not what it looks like!” I jump back and clear my throat to try to hide how much the beauty of hers impresses me. “Before we continue with this, let me introduce myself. My name is Anon D. Anonymous... What’s yours?”

“If you say so...” She raises an eyebrow and then bows briefly. “I’m Shalltear Bloodfallen, and I hope you will entertain me well.” She adds, staring at me wickedly.

She’s clearly a foolish monster who thinks her strength is unbeatable. So, taking advantage of that, I lash out at her and use each technique that I and my sword know.

“Is that all?” She yawns, repelling all my attempts with nothing but her pinky.

Impossible. This is impossible. I used all my strength, and she didn’t even blink. Now, I’m exhausted. I better stop to contemplate my options, but in the end, I come to the most obvious of the conclusions. I’m fucked.

If I take a step back, the pale-skinned girl takes two steps towards me. So, when I start running, she starts chasing me. Desperate, I search on my heavy brown sack for something that might be of use to me.

My first choice is a silver dagger. I threw it at the vamp, but she deflects it with a slap. My second option is a vial with holy water. My luck doesn't improve, so the jar ends up broken on the floor.

I use as much junk as I can find. However, none of them work. And I’m so distracted trying to save my life that I don’t realize I’m taking the wrong path, which leads me to a dead end. Now, I find myself with my back to the wall, holding the last of my belongings: a small item of jewelry with a greenish glow.

“You really like to play games.” The monster approaches me, taking slow steps to poke fun at how easy it is to catch me. “However, we should end this soon, shouldn’t we...?”

“Stop right there!” I beg, holding my trinket in front of me as if that would protect me somehow. “You can't kill me! Don’t do it!”

“Oh, my! You really like to play tag.” Shalltear giggles. “Don't worry. I'm not mad! I think this is good. After all, capturing you doesn’t have to be such a boring activity, right...?” Her voice starts to sound different. Slower. “Besides, it’s good for you that I'm in a good mood b-because... ah...” Her eyelids begin to weigh too much to stay fully open. “...You have no idea how much I want to kill you...” She wobbles a bit and pauses before continuing. “What’s happening to me? I only want to say I would like... to... squash you and bath in your blood, but I can’t because you’re now my- You’re my...”

The seconds pass. I continue in the same defensive position, with my eyes closed. But after a while, I realize that nothing happens. I gather the courage to look at my attacker, and when I do it, I discover that she is standing there with a blank look.

“What are you doing now?” I ask angrily. “Is this one of your twisted games?”

“I’m just following your orders.” She draws in a deep breath and continues speaking in a flat, monotonous tone. “I hear, and I obey.”

I look at the silver hair girl and then walk over to her. I tap her shoulders a couple of times but get no response. So, confident of the situation, I get as close to her as I can and stare right into her eyes. I notice something odd, a striking green glow where her pupils should be. Although I do not fully understand what is happening, I decide to continue with this.

“So, Miss Bloodfallen...” I begin to question her. “Does this mean that you are something like a... personal slave of mine?”

After asking that, I covered myself with both arms, fearing retaliation, but nothing like that happens.

“Yes, I’ll follow every one of your commands…” Her eyes shine, and she clenches her teeth before continue. “...my m-master.”

Although that last trace of doubt in her voice worries me a bit, I admit that hearing her calling me “master” makes my blood rush to my penis incredibly fast, giving me the weirdest erection I've ever had before. I couldn’t miss this opportunity. So, to make sure everything is okay, I decide to test my luck first, asking her to do a few stupid things.

“Stand on one foot!” I order her. And she does so. “Now, put one hand on your head and start spinning on your own axis while jumping!” I add, and she attends to my ridiculous wishes without hesitation.

It seems the skirt of the vampire’s evening dress is too big and heavy for this kind of antics. Because it's all fun and games until she loses her balance and takes an involuntary kick as she falls to the floor.

One of her shoes comes off her, flies through the air, and hits me straight on the nose. That makes me bleed a little, which is enough to make her whole body shudder, but only for a moment since she regains her composure moments later.

This was a rare opportunity to appreciate the beauty of this individual’s foot, which was small, slender in shape, with long, rounded toes. Again, I am a victim of my instincts, and unable to control my desires, I make one of the worst decisions a swordsman could.

“Shalltear... take off your other shoe too.” The words escape my trembling lips. “I want to see you completely barefoot!” I explain.

And she does so; she lifts her leg and slips the footwear off it with a delicate movement. It is even possible to hear the smoothly sound of leather against her skin. My next orders lead her to sit down as she rolls up her heavy skirt to her knees, showing me the pair of slim but shapely calves she has.

“Now, let me smell your feet!” I ask her awkwardly as I lie down before her.

The little beauty acts just as I expected and reaches forward until the bottoms of her dainty feet make contact with my face, shoving them into it. My member gets even harder at my new servant’s soft touch. However, her skin is a bit cold.

I indicate to her to start rubbing her feet against my cheeks. The friction does its thing, and both of them get warm pretty quick. Then, I grab hold of her ankles, putting them together so I can bury my face in her soles.

Almost reflexively, she pinches my nose with her toes, repeatedly squeezing it and kicking my chin with one heel in a futile attempt to discourage me since that only turns me on more.

It is precisely between the toes, the place on the body where one would expect it to stink the most, but this is not the case. Instead of that, I find a warm, slightly powdery scent that fills my nostrils as soon as I take a deep whiff. She probably uses perfumed waters to clean herself.

Either way and once again, I am concerned that she continues resisting herself to the invisible power that forces her to indulge my whims. Too bad my libido is stronger, and my dick is eager to get out of my underwear.

I pull myself back, sit down and rush to remove my pants, slipping them awkwardly down my legs. My dong leaps out, fully erect. The girl freezes, staring at how my member taps the top of her left foot every time it twitches.

It is from this moment that I begin to explain to her what she needs to do. I guide her pinkish soles to my throbbing boner, making sure she places her arches around my meat, squeezing them as tightly as possible.

For the next step, I instruct her to move both feet up and down rhythmically and gently, massaging my manhood. At the same time that I talk to her, I hold her pair of beauties between my hands and move them on my own as I explain to her how she should jerk me off. I also make sure that she understands that she shouldn’t stop unless I tell her to do it.

However, my path to pleasure is interrupted when the vampire decides to pause there, motionless, watching the way my cock pulsates and how my veins swell and shudder with each beat, just between the warm grip of the smooth bottoms of her feet.

It seems that somewhere deep within Shalltear Bloodfallen's mind, one of her wishes breaks the brainwashing spell that controls her; her thirst for blood. And my grown penis was full of it.

“You, despicable creature!” The woman gets up, boiling in anger, and with her eyes flashing like flames. “The fact that you touched me with that dirty piece of meat is unforgivable!” She repeatedly kicks me in the balls. “Ah! I can’t believe I let a pathetic human use me as his sex toy! Lord Ainz will definitely scold me!” She pulls her hair desperately. “But this is not over yet...” She grunts.

She looks down at me and lowers her foot onto my crotch, crushing my wood by putting her full weight on it and causing me to grimace. Her big toe is positioned over my glans while the length of her sole is resting on my log.

I can feel the extreme softness of her skin, despite the pain, which makes this whole situation pleasant enough to make me start leaking precum.

“You, piece of shit!” She ponders, hefty shoving the balls of her feet into my shaft, which causes me to flinch, briefly interrupting the flow of my sexual fluids. “How dare you continue your lewd behavior?”

As much as I am enjoying this experience, she is going too far, and I cannot allow her to destroy my tool. I rush to grab my trinket again and put it in front of her face.

Shalltear’s lips curl, uttering more insults against me. But in the end, she can't do anything against the piece of jewelry and the green light that caresses her mind, dulling her will.

This time the possession is faster, and without a single word, she lies down on her butt, wrapping my dick with her slender soles to slowly stroke it up and down. At first, her movements are somewhat monotonous, but soon she begins taking on a more active role.

“Is this what pleases the master?” She speaks with a flat tone when her toes reach my cock's head, wiggling around and getting soaked by more precum before they start to rub the upper part of my glans with quick and short tugs. “Judging by your face, I think it is…”

“I thought this Ainz guy you were talking about was the only one you cared about!” I mumble before frown and opening my mouth so widely that a loud whine escapes from it.

“Your naughty desire to have fun with my feet is intriguing enough to care about that Lord Ainz.” She responds as her toes sweep from side to side, just grasping the tip of my meat to squeeze it harder when I stop moaning. “You are my only lord now, and I live to please you…”

Having no intention to maintain composure, I outpour an angry blast of semen. My back arches from the ecstasy while her toes keep slipping around my rod. Not only they are impacted by the heavy load, but also the soles.

“How did that feel? Because you made a quite mess.” She teases me in an emotionless, weird way. “I am so pleased that I made you ejaculate that much, my master. I rejoice myself feeling your sticky and warm show of affection on my dainty feet.” She continues as her toes spread and scrunch, rubbing her soles with each other, spreading to the last corner of them all the content of my balls.

Now that the stickiness is all over her neatly pedicured nails and so, I get up quickly and walk away, carrying my pants under my arm. My flaccid member is flapping in the air, but I don't know how long the mind control lasts, and I'm not staying to find out either.

“No way ...Anon.” Shalltear Bloodfallen whispers to herself, staring blankly at the thick globs of my seed on top of her feet and between her toes, still dripping onto the dirt ground.

Before abandoning the underground hiding place and my comrades, I glance over my shoulder to see how the powerful vampire is left behind...




OMG!! :;(∩´﹏`∩);: those pink soles! ♡


I hope you're gonna do more hypnosis from now on, but maybe with different eyes such as the classic pattern or the kaa eyes because I haven't realised she was hypnotized until I read the story! Awesome work and glad to have you back in full force! ♥️😖


more shalltear! plz~


I love your art so much I hope there’s more overlord fj’s in the future


Thank you! I'm happy to hear that. :) And I hope so! Shalltear is one of my favorite characters.