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I've tried everything I can to access the hard drive but I can't get anything to work.  I tried asking for help on r/techsupport and they weren't helpful.  If anyone wants to take a look at the problem you can see the post here:


Luckily I uploaded a lot of my character cards and some scene data of commonly used props a while ago, so I'm not totally screwed there.

Unfortunately the game and all of it's files are lost.  I'll have to start from scratch.

This all happened at a pretty lousy time for me.  I've started a new job that requires a lot of hours so I was already having trouble finding time to work on the game and image projects.

That's why I'm going to shut down the patreon at the end of the month.  I'll keep making images and stories, and I'll probably try to make a game again, but this way I don't feel pressured to put something out every month.

I've been thinking about doing this for a few weeks now.  I feel like I do my best work when I'm genuinely inspired and not when I feel pressured to just get something out each month.

Going forward, everything I release will be released for free on pixiv.  Images, comics, stories, audio projects, games, maybe even video if I can figure out the KK timeline mod, everything will just be for free on pixiv.

I'm sorry if you subscribed to my patreon just for the game, but there's nothing I can do there.  I was hoping that I could get a working demo of the game out to reward you guys before I shut down the patreon, and then I would just release the full game for free when it was done, but that isn't an option now.


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