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Hello friends, this month on Patreon is ending today, and I have 3 very detailed and big posts pending, I was supposed to release them on sunday then today and I was very eager to let you see them, sadly I was unable as I was delayed yet again and the reason is because I haven't been 100% open with you: the truth is that for the last 6 months I have been dealing with a close relative's battle with cancer, My grandpa was sadly diagnosed with prostate cancer and had metastases to his entire body already, so upon hearing the news and due to his old age he made the decision to not take any treatment, since I'm a trained medical professional, I followed very closely the evolution of his disease, I tried my best to be there when needed, to provide care and keep my family informed and this made me distance myself from here, I'm sorry but I really wanted to be there for my grandfather and my family, as this was unfolding I felt very sad about the lack of content, I just couldn't do it even though I really wanted to post something for all of you, I simply had no time. My life in the last 3 months when things started going downhill for my grandpa was a huge mess, I barely slept thinking about him, and my compromise with you too, so In my desperation I promised free drawings for all of you, which made me even more nervous since I could barely find any free time to do them, I'm still working on them.
This is all over though, on friday 26th my grandpa passed away, It was the worst time of my life, I just returned from the burial ceremony and I'm suddenly left with nothing but this impossible deadline for the pictures I promised, I won't be able to finish them, but I'm doing the following:

1.- I'm upgrading every single free sketch to a full picture with slightly alt versions or if you would prefer I'll still do the sketch plus a full commission for you for free, regardless of your pledge.

 2.- If you don't feel like continuing supporting me I understand perfectly and I'm 100% at fault, you'll still get your pictures of the month this week plus the things above and full access to my patreon posts for 3 months.

2.- If you want a refund for the past month I'll give it to you too because I don't want to owe you anything (even if I'm going to post all what's pending in the next days) and I only care about you being happy, I'll still give you the free picture(s) and full access to my patreon posts for 3 months.

Again, I'm very sorry about this and I hope you understand the situation I'm in, Without my grandpa I'm very empty but I didn't lose my energy, I have all my time free again and I'll do my best to bring my social media and patreon up again and in the next two to three weeks.

If I learned anything of this it is that I should have been open about what was happening from the first day, remaining silent because "drama is bad" wasn't a good choice at all.

I also made the decision of getting a portable device such as an iPad that will allow me to draw whenever I'm away from my PC because lots of hours of my days were wasted sitting right next to my family and away from my PC not doing anything, just remaining vigilant for my grandpa, prepared to help. Most of that time passed while I was listening to music or playing whatever was on my phone such as Minecraft, while my time listening to my favorite music and the game were a good therapy that helped me calm down during those times, It could have been put to use drawing, the reason why I didn't get one before was because I simply couldn't afford it and even though I won't be away from my PC that much anymore It would be nice to have one just in case, I'm 100% committed to lift this page with dozens of pictures and I won't let any second go to waste.

Thank you very much for reading, and again, I'm truly sorry, but please understand that my grandpa was the most important person in my life. I hope to see you all very soon with a huge picture care package!!!


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