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Due to the really terrible weather my computer got condensed humidity inside and I wasn’t very aware of the treatment it sustained when it was used by the previous owner, this led to a terrible issue. Half of the keyboard stopped working today and at first glance there was some visible humidity below the keys so I decided to open the laptop to check inside. I found a huge soda spill (or maybe another sugary beverage, who knows) which was only cleaned superficially that got rehydrated and started spreading to the internal components, damaging the keyboard contacts and the DVD tray. Since this is my only work tool for both my jobs and my art I can’t allow to let it get damaged any further so I will have to unplug it and put it somewhere dry and wait until the weather improves to be able to use it again, I’ll have to get a spare USB keyboard too since the key contacts are corroded beyond repair, luckily I found a cheap one and I’ll pick it up as soon as the weather improves.

Now, because of this, I won’t be able to finish the rest of the patron requests in time, I want to apologize, I was too busy with my jobs that I didn’t finish them when I had to and I feel responsible for this fuckup. I want to apologize as well as because there’s only two copies of my webcomics, one is in my computer and the other one is in an external drive that I also have, the writer won’t be able to publish it on time again because of my fault, since I recalled it from him for further editing because we had to edit a character’s haircut and colors to avoid issues because she looked similar to another artist’s OC. It’ll be delayed again until I can draw again and finish fixing it. I apologize again.

Lastly I appreciate your support and the friendship that you guys showed to me, I really do, but I’d like to remind you that with your pledges we technically made a deal in which you are pledging in exchange for my content, and even though I’d love to draw a lot more for you friends, I won’t be able to deliver any more art until the weather improves. I don’t mind if you retire your pledge, it’s the fair thing to do, unless you are satisfied with what has been posted so far.

I hope you guys are doing fine and I’ll be back to post something as soon as I can. We can still talk through twitter, my handle is @zesuto3. I leave you for now with this fanart meant for Hila and Ethan that I left unfinished because I realized it might not be their thing lol. Peace!

(This took me ages to write with the onscreen keyboard lol)


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