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So hey guys, I think I need to start overhauling the Patreon all together, these rewards are looking a bit lacking and really it just needs to be revamped.

So at first I think Im going to make a 2 4 6 8 tier list which will basically be broken down like this

2: Tier: you basically get preview action where I will post like linearts that you will see or WIP before they get posted to twitter and such

4: access to the pics and you get to vote on for polls

6: you get to suggest polls and possibly get the project files

8: Basically I am looking to do like a doodle-thon  where I would possibly stream or just basically take in a bunch of suggestions where I do quick doodles or something.

I'd also like to get discord stuff running but that seems like a big undertaking.

And really I'm looking for suggestions overall so feel free to say something


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