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So first off I wanna thank you all for joining up on the crew and pushing this little campaign of mine this far. I know that this is about the first month being back and all and there is some time left till everything is tested but still thanks guys. Now then I have a couple of things on my docet that I wanna ask you guys. 

1. A lot of somewhat concern has been thrown on my DA page about how this stuff is kinda behind a paywall and to a degree that is a little true but I still plan to release the pics to the General Public sometime down the line which leaves me to my first question.

Q: What would be an acceptable time frame of keeping some pics exclusive and releasing them to the public?

And this also has me wondering if anyone would be open to the idea of possibly having a poll or vote by you guys to possibly release an exclusive pic. meaning that I would set up a poll to first of all figure out whether you'd like to release any of the exclusive pics, and if their is a majority vote (above 70%) then we would have a poll that you guys would vote to release to the public. Really this is just you guys controlling whether or not you throw GEN POP a bone and give em a recent exclusive pic. Or should this be like a stretch goal or something. Probably not gonna decide on this just yet but I'd love to know your feedback on that idea.

2. Now then I was also thinking about the possibility of doing PIC PACKS and before anyone goes off the rails, the way that I plan to do it is that if you are already a 5$ supporter then you would basically get it for free but at the same time, I think that I would probably keep that option only available for about a month. So that after one month it then becomes a 7$ pack that has to be bought on Gumroad and such.

Q: How do you guys feel about Pic Packs being a thing, Essentially starting off as a time exclusive for Patrons and then being gumroad thing?

With that being said, so far I have an idea for the first pack to be poke girls (human ones) being subjected to my poke ball binds. With the other being a series where Isabelle (Animal Crossing) captures ladies from Smash ULTIMATE.  Also I would like your input to see how many pics should be in a pic pack.

3. Lastly I want to know your consensus on the art so far and what I am doing as well as the direction where things are going as well.

Q: What do you guys wanna see more of ie :anime, cartoons, comics, video games, guys, girls, Bigger ladies, bustier women, furries etc?

 Q: As well as what sort of format would you guys also wanna see. ie: pics, maybe animation, sequences, comics?

Q: Do you wanna see more Original characters or stick to current canon people?

And with that I should tease you guys and say that I have one more pic coming this week containing Isabelle, and let me say thanks for reading and leaving feedback as it is greatly appreciated. Also let me say that if you have any other concerns then feel free to message me or let me know in the comments as well. With that, The CAPITAN is off deck


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