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Hey all, I hope 2024 has been treating you well so far!

As promised, I'm happy to announce that the first test release of Due Cards Badge is now available for download! If you're subscribed at the Add-on Aficionado tier or up, you can head right on over to the download post to give it a try.

Due Cards Badge is a tiny add-on, but one I've really come to love over the past couple of weeks. Here's what it does:

As you can see in the GIF, it adds a live counter to Anki's app icon, showing you exactly how many cards you have due for the day.

Personally it has helped me a lot in spreading my reviews across multiple sessions throughout the day and keeping up with them as I chunk up my time. Hopefully you'll find it just as useful!

Here's a quick FAQ with some important notes:

Which Anki versions are supported?

You will need to have a recent Qt6 release of Anki installed (at least 23.10 on Mac or Windows, at least 23.12 on Linux). Qt5 releases are not supported.

Are all operating systems supported?

Yes Due Cards Badge works on macOS, Windows, and Linux*.
(As Linux has so many different desktop environments, I can't say for sure for all, but any reasonably recent GNOME and KDE releases should work fine).

What number is shown on the badge?

It's the total number of cards you have due for the day. This includes both cards in the learning state and review state. It essentially works the same as the notification badge on AnkiMobile.

Does the badge refresh in the background?

No, sadly because of how Anki and add-ons work, the notification badge will only refresh while Anki is running. If you keep Anki open and minimized, the count should update automatically. This is what I typically do, i.e. keep Anki running and shut the lid on my Notebook to return to later.

When Anki is closed, the badge will not appear on most operating systems (it does on some Linux configurations, in which case it shows the last due count before closing Anki).


Alright, ready to give it a try? Then head on over to the download post and let me know what you think!

Thanks, as always!

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)



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