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Hey all,

Attached below is the download for Cloze Overlapper v1.0.0-beta.2. The main change in this release is compatibility with Anki 23.10+ and newer (tested as of Anki 23.12.1).

Please note that this build has some minor known issues:

  • Some minor weirdness when undoing multi-line cloze edits
  • Collision with the Customize Keyboard Shortcut add-on

If you run into any other problems, please do let me know!

Thanks and enjoy!

– Glutanimate



Thanks Glutanimate! Once a card has been generated after changing the "Cloze Overlapper Options", is it possible to edit the cards by pressing "E" and changing the "Settings"? 1,1,0 | n,n,n,n When I change these settings manually, they don't appear to change the settings for the cards? Lastly how can I have the cards show the list in the same order each time when reviewing? Only when newly added do they show in order.

Robert Malone

Hey Glutanimate! New sub here :) I was wondering- is there a way that I can change the color of the "answer" from the current dark blue on my client? I was looking around in the add-on settings but I couldn't find anything.


Hey Robert, welcome and thanks for your support! You can change the color in Anki's card templates screen, which is a bit hidden. The easiest way to access it is from Anki's "Add" screen, or if you are reviewing an overlapping cloze, and then hit "Edit". In the window that comes up, click on "Cards..." in the top right. That should open a window saying "Card Types for Cloze (overlapping)". In there, click on "Styling" and then in the left pane, scroll towards the very bottom where it says "Add your customizations here". Below that line, copy and paste the following code: .cloze { color: red; } That should switch the color to red. You can set it to any color you like by using HTML color codes: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ Once you've customized it to your liking, hit "Save" in the bottom right corner, and your cards should use the new color from that point on. Hope that helps! :)


Hi Atom, apologies for the super late response! Regarding regenerating/editing cards: If you set these values manually, you will have to use the "Generate overlapping clozes" button for the changes to apply (Alt+Shift+C). If you use the "Overlapping cloze options" button, it should be done automatically Regarding showing the cards in order: This wasn't possible in recent Anki versions because of changes to Anki's scheduler, but I'm happy to say that this is now supported again. First, please make sure you have the latest version of Anki installed (24.04 as of this comment), then navigate to the deck options for the deck containing your overlapping clozes (gear icon to the right → "Options"). In the deck options window that comes up, please scroll down to the "Display Order" section, and then set the "Review sort order" setting to "Order added". Confirm your changes with "Save" in the top right, and you should be good to go. Hope that helps!