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Update (2021-09-11):

I've just updated the download to v1.0.6 of the BetterTags . This a more recent version of the add-on from early this year that works on Anki versions up to 2.1.40. I meant to release this much earlier, but then Anki 2.1.41 came along and introduced more breakages, so I pivoted towards rewriting the add-on. The rewrite should be coming out later this year, but for those of you on Anki 2.1.40 and below, v1.0.6. should offer a good option to bridge the time until then.

If you are on a more recent version of Anki, please make sure to check out the recently released Colorful Tags add-on. This brings at least some of BetterTags-exclusive features to Anki 2.1.45 and up and should, again, help bridge the gap until the next major BetterTags release.


Update (2020-07-24):

It looks like the just released Anki 2.1.28 does not fully work with BetterTags. Specifically: There seem to be some issues with the sidebar not being properly refreshed when you drag-and-drop a tag. The changes are still applied in the background (you can re-open the browser window to see them), but they won't be visible immediately and it will seem like the tag was not moved.

I am working on a hotfix to make the add-on fully compatible with Anki 2.1.28, but until then my advice would be to downgrade to Anki 2.1.26 if you can (or remain on an earlier version if you are already on it). Anki 2.1.26 is marked as the current stable release, and you should be download it by clicking on the second blue button on the download page here. Quite a few other add-ons (both mine and from other authors) also seem to no longer work 2.1.28, so 2.1.26 seems like the better choice in terms of add-on support for now.

Important: If you do decide to switch back to 2.1.26, please make sure to downgrade your current collection first. To do so please go to the File>Switch Profile menu item, and click on “Downgrade & Quit”. If you skip this step, you may get an error message when opening your collection in an older Anki version, and you will need to return to this version, downgrade, then try again.

Sorry again about any inconvenience this might cause! I will be pushing the proper hotfix as soon as I can.


Hey guys,

I hope you're all well. I know I haven't been posting as frequently as I hoped I would and I wanted to start by apologizing for that. Unfortunately real life got in the way of a lot of things this month, and my hope is that I'll be able to catch up over the next couple of weeks.

I will be posting more about other exciting things soon, but for now I just wanted to publish a quick bug fix release of BetterTags that primarily adds compatibility with the just released Anki 2.1.24.

Before updating to Anki 2.1.24, please note it comes with a lot of under-the-hood changes, and that some add-ons might not have been adjusted for them just yet. So if you're using Anki to prepare for an upcoming exam and depend on your current workflow, it might be worth holding off on updating for a 1-2 weeks or longer (which is usually good advice for any major Anki release like this).

In any case, here are the release notes for BetterTags v1.0.4:

Changelog for v1.0.4


  • Added compatibility for Anki 2.1.24 and up


  • Fixed a rare RuntimeError that would occur when performing modifications right before closing the browser (thanks to @aleksejrs for the report!)
  • Fixed an incompatibility with "Customize Sidebar" that would cause an AttributeError when deleting tags in some scenarios (thanks to @DoctorToBein23 for the report!)


BetterTags should work on Anki 2.1.10 and up, but for the best experience it's highly advised that you update to Anki 2.1.17 or later.

If you're updating from Anki <2.1.17 or a very old version of the add-on, please make sure to first read the original release notes for BetterTags v1.0.0.


On recent Anki releases, you can simply double-click the downloaded .ankiaddon file to invoke the add-on installation wizard. With older Anki releases, please drag and drop the downloaded .ankiaddon file onto the Add-ons window as showcased here:


If you run into any issues whatsoever please do let me know. Very much looking forward to your feedback!

Thanks as always for your incredible support, especially in these tough times.

Take care, and stay healthy,

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)


Avishay Zarad

Hi, first of all, thanks for all these cool addons! Secondly, I've encountered this error, and I was wondering what am I missing (Anki version 2.1.49) When loading '⁨BetterTags⁩': ⁨Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/avshyz/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/bettertags/sidebar/view.py", line 57, in from aqt.sidebar import SidebarTreeViewBase ImportError: cannot import name 'SidebarTreeViewBase' from 'aqt.browser.sidebar' (/usr/local/share/anki/bin/aqt/browser/sidebar/__init__.pyc) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "aqt/addons.py", line 230, in loadAddons File "/home/avshyz/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/bettertags/__init__.py", line 68, in initializeAddon() File "/home/avshyz/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/bettertags/__init__.py", line 57, in initializeAddon from .browser import initializeBrowser File "/home/avshyz/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/bettertags/browser.py", line 54, in from .sidebar import initializeBrowserSidebar File "/home/avshyz/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/bettertags/sidebar/__init__.py", line 37, in from .tree import userTagTree File "/home/avshyz/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/bettertags/sidebar/tree.py", line 42, in from .view import SidebarTreeView File "/home/avshyz/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/bettertags/sidebar/view.py", line 59, in SidebarTreeViewBase = Browser.SidebarTreeView AttributeError: type object 'Browser' has no attribute 'SidebarTreeView'

Matthew Tran

Yeah what's going on?


I have same error, please help, if no refound pls as I only came for this addon