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You decide to rest by the fire.

The goblin sneak is quick to agree after being so recently rescued from certain death. She scurries across the room and mounts the mantle.

Liberating it from its place on the wall, the goblin offers the well-polished (and freshly stolen) Mammazonian Axe to you in a gesture of gratitude, doffing her hat as she does so.  Evidently she feels badly for the greataxe you sacrificed to save her.

You accept the charming gesture and take a seat by the fire, the goblin shows no end of gratitude, pushing up the other chair for you to rest your feet upon while telling you of her travels.

The goblin sneak proudly explains that much of her attire was once royal property, stolen from within the Castle of Burle. 

Most recently she acquired the cloak and accompanying wand from a royal diviner, the long, fine silk stocking from a noblewoman and and the short one from an arrogant royal guard.

She would have his boot too, but those he took with him when he fell from the parapet. You both share a good laugh. Every thief has a story about the one that got away.

The goblin stands, wrapping her cloak around herself in a theatrical fashion and with a wink, asks if you would like to see a trick she learned from a Burlesian court dancing girl.

The fire crackles merrily while you consider…



2% missing, shame shame people pickin secret stuff


I’m so glad this series is back! I always loved this vintage fantasy style illustration and I never see enough of it these days


I love this series, it's so fun and creative


That goblin moves fast, she managed to swap her stockings from one panel to another! Joking aside, these are amazing as always, quite strong narrative creativity for a CYOA.


LOL you got me Alex 😂 I might go back and fix that or just not and make something else instead 😅 ty for the compliment tho, I'm using it mostly as a chance to practice my writing and make up a lot of nonsense words lol


I love these two <3