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Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you're all having a good week so far! 🖤

Art Talk:
Uh oh there's a lot of text you know what that means it's boring time! I have some really un-horny thoughts about panel layout below.

I'm often on the fence about x-ray shots in erotic comics. Sometimes they're really wonderfully visceral and impactful and other times they're kinda clinical and a turn off for me. It always comes down to execution. 

This Holly on page 8 would be a real obvious opportunity to use x-ray, however like to make a personal challenge for myself to think of ways to show that Holly really just took it all in, and this panel by itself felt like it lacked impact.

I was sad to cover up all of Holly's squiggly line-hair (I am having fun with that) but I found that adding a panel kinda connected the motion of the two actions in a satisfying way.
The sort of "invisible lines" that connect the girldick between the two panels imply a line of motion that takes place in the time between two panels and make it feel more like Holly's coming to a stop rather than just being static.

This isn't to say that I think X-ray panels are bad or that I'll never use them (I probably will) but I like how having a small creative rule forces me to find new solutions to these challenges.

Don't ask me to draw Libby's girldick on model because I simply don't know how to do it. 😅 It is always too big and will be just as too big as each panel requires. 😌





They're so good together! Libby profile in the last panel, I'm in love <3


i love that the lines on Holly's shirt also add to that effect as well


I love reading the „boring, technical“ things, it’s always interesting what goes on in the artist mind

Jacqueline Saunders

very odd to hear someone talking in such a practical way about girldick, haha


😂 sometimes my pragmatist art brain takes over and I kinda lose sight of what I'm actually doing