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You hurl one end of the whip to the stranded thief.

The thief takes a flying leap and catches the other end of the whip, swinging down toward the cliff below you.

The Bells of Klaxxonitus, create an appalling din as she bounces off the cliff face, narrowly avoiding a jet of flame loosed by the dragon behind her. In the harsh flame's light you recognize her.

She is the plucky little goblin sneak you saw on the pier.

With a single heft of your massive strength you easily lift her out of danger of the dragon's flames.

Though you have aided her escape from the dragon's breath, the two of you are not yet out of danger. The goat demon's mighty claws descend again, attempting to crush you.

You seize your chance!

Nimbly avoiding the demon's claws as they pierce and crack the ledge beside you, you vault over the enormous hand, piercing it with the Greataxe of Ure Thura.

The twisting hall leads you to a quiet, furnished room.

A strange smelling incense sends tendrils of smoke up among the rafters as a fire crackles merrily in the hearth near two comfortable-looking armchairs.

An impressive chest with a rusty lock stands against the far wall. To its left,there is a darkened doorway with stairs leading upward. To its right, there is a large set of double doors with shiny brass knobs.

After a look around the room you decide to…