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I wanted to do something eally silly and extra for some ToTK fanart so this is what I'm working on. Also some sketches on the side :)

I'm still messing about between different brushes a lot when I draw. For the Link piece I did lines with the default CSP "Pencil" brush. I like how it has the broadside tilt function which is really nice for adding some blush or shadow tone or planar shifts.

This super crispy pen  on the other hand...

I like it for two different circumstances, either being really sloppy and careless, or really careful and precise. Everything in between comes out feeling really awkward to me. I think I have a standard in my brain of what these types of lines should look and feel like and it comes from printmaking.

I took a semester of printmaking in art school where I played with some different processes and this reminds me so much of the lines you get from drypoint etching with plexiglass which always frustrated me (I was just bad at using the tools). Oddly I liked woodcut best.

I think it's because the process just forced me to change my style to adopt more graphic approaches so my standards I judged it by were dramatically different from my sketchbook work.

Mostly what I learned from that class is what makes your inner critic harshest is the expectations with which you approach what you're doing.

It's really changed the way I think about and approach being a professional artist so it's not just an endless cycle of unrealistic expectations and self-abuse. I make more work when I'm generally feeling good, so it's good for business to me to feel like I can let some things go and move on.

That's a lot of art rambling, so for now I'll just wish you the best start possible to the new week!





it must be a different kind of excitement to sit on such a floating rock where almost everyone can see you, but it's still unlikely and you're able to jerk off


I missed your comment weeks ago Waldi! sorry about that. I'm glad you got into this concept too :)