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Ta daaaah! I wanted to a kind of reverse of the Ch1 cover art with a background Libby and a foreground Holly and MORE HORNY. I hope you feel it was a success 😌 

I added a second version here with Libby only and no text, because even though she's behind Holly I still put a bunch of detail there? I've got no sense.
I'm going to make some last little tweaks to some of the pages that are lacking color or have outright typos (thanks to those of you who help me out by always catching those-- you know who you are 😘)

Once those things are done I'll upload the full thing as a complete comic and we'll be getting going on Ch3! At the end of this month I'll have the full high res jpg version of this chapter in the dropbox downloads!

Art talk:
I was excited to add some graphic cut-out socks and undies just for fun. 😄That's the lingering influence of the artists I was looking at when doing the Fitting for a Lady cover :)  

 I tend to think of compositional elements as being "fast" or "slow" in terms of how quickly your eye can fall over them and move around, big empty spaces like these socks are really fast to me, you almost don't notice them because they are negative space elements and it helps you see only what's important, in this case, the title.

Whenever I'm making a cover I invariably think about how silly it is that I make them censored like this.
I don't really have to on the internet, (I might get some guff from Gumroad tho) but because I think of the barely covered up teasing cover art of hentai manga or other erotica as being kind of part of the art form, I always conform to that.

Since I've done a lot of covers now figuring out how I'm going to "censor" them without censoring them is  now just part of the fun, especially if I can just barely count it as being censored. Again, see Fitting for a Lady cover⤵️

Drawing carefully draped girldick is also just kind of a fun treat, carefully picking the folds I use to show as much as possible without actually showing anything.
That said, I think I'm going to make an alternate version of this cover that shows everything, too. I want to see it and I suspect you might, as well.😘 





When will this be on your Gumroad shop?


Super excited for the print version.


Holy smokes this composition is perfect!


Thank you Bob! That makes the effort feel more worthwhile, it was not perfect for a lot of the process lol. Very big struggle fitting these characters elegantly into the ol rectangle this time.


Libbyyyy!! This cover looks amazing Winton <3