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Happy Saturday, friends!

I didn't really set out with a theme, I was just doing some decompressing sketching yesterday and I just kept on getting fascinated by the the jazz age vibe of these figures so I kept on drawing them. I think I'll put a little bit more color on some and post them as non-sketches.

Part of the inspiration for these is this 1975 poster for Chicago on Broadway, which I loooove.

I listen to musicals quite a bit while I'm working and Chicago in particular has been a favorite for me this year. Sex and violence 😌 such a winning combo haha





Chicago is one of my all time favorite musicals, too 😄 I love these sketches, they capture the vibe so nicely. Also I just noticed once more that I'm fascinated with how you draw genitalia, sometimes I stare at them for a good amount of time all zoomed in 😳

Matthew C Baker

Love this! Puts me in the mind of Weimar Berlin.


Ahhhhhh 🥰 It's sooo good. I just saw the movie for the first time this year and wow Queen Latifa is PERFECT and I also didn't know John C. Reilly could sing?? I'm very interested in the genitalia comment because I want to know more!! Do you think they're more fun to look at when they're a little bit simplified and abstracted somewhat? ❤️🧡🤍💗 Thank you for your lovely comments, Fuya!


That's very interesting! I am of course familiar with the Bauhaus design/art movement but I haven't really delved into other art and culture specific to Berlin in this period-- I didn't even know the name for it! I only recently have started to learn about the history of cabaret and drag in German culture. There's so much to know 😭

Matthew C Baker

Can I recommend a book called Voluptuous Panic by Mel Gordon https://www.amazon.com/Voluptuous-Panic-Erotic-Weimar-Expanded/dp/0922915962/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1P8SWEMJFYAO9&keywords=voluptuous+panic&qid=1691570182&sprefix=voluptuo%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1