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I don't know how many of these expressions will stick with the final but this is what I was working on today!

I'm still trying new processes when it comes to laying out pages. I made some thumbnails, then made notes for dialog that were so small I couldn't read them after the fact, so I rewrote it as I was placing things on the page which really slows down the drawing process.

Dialog is always the thing that gets me tripped up as I'm writing it. There's been times where I've even gone back to complete pages and changed things before calling the book "done." I try to accept this as part of the process even if it's a little chaotic.

I was originally planning to end chapter 2 with a cliffhanger at page 23 but I kept thinking of how much of a tease that would be and not altogether satisfying, so I've decided to extend it by a few more just so I can end on a different, but more emotionally resolved and juicy page. 😈

I dropped a little picture of some of the things on my desk right now as well as the sketchbook. I'll get some better documentation for the archive this month. The facing page is me daydreaming about an animation project I've been thinking of. :)

Happy Monday, everyone!





It’s getting extra spicy 🥵