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Your greedy eyes roam across the treasures but your gaze lingers upon three items.

The Greataxe of Ure Thura, Shield of Mesmera and the punishing Queen Dominell's own whip, Torment.

You fill your arms with deadly spoils, leaving the ordinary anchor behind.

You hasten back into the safety of darkness, urged on by the sound of escalating grunts and moans of the chamber's guardians above you. Suddenly your ears prick at the sound of another's footfalls behind you.

You turn quickly and see a diminutive figure in cloak and hat.

Could it be another thief has chosen this night to plunder the tower? The figure stoops and picks up the Golden Charms of Baal.

The shrill peal of enormous bells pierces the air, echoing from the depths to the vaulted ceiling above.

Zounds! Those are not the Golden Charms of Baal, but the Giant Bells of Klaxxonitus!!

The beasts are only momentarily stunned by the eerie ringing.

The dragon's long neck swings wide to belch a torrent of flames after the other thief, who now races after you along the path to a narrow stone bridge. A titanic shadow sweeps over you as your bare feet pound across the archway.

The goat demon's enormous paw tears the rock bridge loose.

The dim silhouette of the stranded thief stands on the opposite cliff, looking panicked.

You quickly decide to…



I love this so much! Reminds me of some of the old school fantasy drawings when dnd was still young. Amazing work as always


Thank you Nate! 🥰 I have such a soft spot for that era of fantasy art and especially the doofy monster designs of old DnD! 💗


CYOA always gets me invested. I hope you compile this entire thing into one file once it’s done (which I hope won’t be for for long).

Aristotle Fellatrix

There's a strong "throw me the idol; I throw you the whip" vibe here and I'm here's for it


YES! my heavy favorite from the initial poll returns!!!


❤️ for a thing I basically started on a whim, I think it's been a fun activity going on in the background for the Patreon! Also it fulfills my desire for drawing sword and sorcery stuff 😄


It’s honestly super dope. Your art style and the way you’ve drawn the CYOA series is just *chef’s kiss* 👌🏽👌🏽


She's just so cool, I lover her!!!