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  • 230621_HollyGreek.mp4



Just some things I'm not quite finished with! Busy week but I'm hoping to have more updates for you as the week goes on 😤 I changed Libby's pose like 4 times already and I might do it again! See attached timelapse! 👀

I like the idea that Libby lives within the kind of universe where her hair expressively reacts to her emotions. I need that kind of simple, joyful dumbness ever since re-reading Dragonball. I guess I can only be so intellectual before I gotta throw a pie in someone's face...so to speak.

I think even drawing these characters in ancient Greek cosplay is the kind of dumb fun that I always envied Toriyama for in drawing his character pinups, so I'm trying to manifest that in my own creative practice! My whole creative life is revolving around Toriyama in a very weird oblique way rn, I guess. Weird.

Thank you for indulging me. 😌





Nice!!! Next we get a Greek fantasy 😍 We’re getting spoiled ☺️


I feel like I'm the one getting spoiled! this is way more fun than some of the freelance work I've had to do lately ♥️