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Happy May everyone! Thank you for supporting my endeavors over this past month! Please take a seat and we will review our April progress. 📈 Or scroll to the end and see what’s in store for this month!

New Fanart Poll + Suggestion Box

The month started off with doing a little bit of Lenore fanart I’ve been wanting to take care of and making our April suggestion box!

There were so many excellent suggestions this month I wish I could have used them all but I settled on six. I’m always very flattered when the dominant options are original content 🥰 I take it as a show of great faith in my work and that means a lot to me!

While the suggestions rolled in I got my brain back in medieval mode for the CYOA with some sketching that I would pick up again and finish later in the month!

The sketchbook art Gold Patrons saw this month mostly consisted of fantasy doodling this month, a little bit of flower monster girl exploration outside of the two illustrations I finished later in the month.

It didn’t take long for me to come back and finish these two elves.

I think of them as being an extension of the evergreen witches theme that’s been running through this patreon for several months,  which informed how I approached the floral monster girl poll winners! I started with a Virginia bluebell since those were currently blooming in my garden.

✔️⏹️ CYOA conclusion: This is a partial checkmark because I didn’t conclude it, but we shook the dust off.
The CYOA has been idle for a few months while I focused on other things and that meant it took more effort to get going from a standstill.

I spent more time on this medieval monster illustration than on the previous CYOA ones to help make it more of a triumphant return and a thank you for your patience with this project!

Physical Comic Store Re-Open + Libby & Holly Ch.1: Comics are printed and back up on my gumroad store!
I need to get my paper cutter blade sharpened before I finish the next chapter of Libby & Holly to make sure I’m getting clean cuts!

I have been adjusting my working process with comics this year to make it so there’s less of a gap between finishing a comic and having it ready to print. I’m hoping that with Libby & Holly Ch2 I can finish the cover art, drop it in InDesign and have it ready to print.

I have been doing a little bit of Libby & Holly  concept sketching as well, drawing these two in more casual attire for a future chapter…

✔️⏹️ Libby & Holly Chapter 2 pgs 7-17: Partial checkmark on this one! I really only made 5/10 pages I was hoping for.  I’m about halfway through page 13 currently. These pages are hard to crop to be SFW ;)

I started off the month by making the roughs for pages up to 14 before getting started with Pg 7 in cleaned up form.

Once I got out of the library environment the pages went a little bit faster, the abstract space station environment is mostly just basic shapes to help frame the characters.

Of course we get some flashes between environments like in the previous chapter. I had a great time drawing these pages!

I got to at least partial completion of everything this month, which is a success overall! This month’s agenda will look just slightly different as a result, here’s what’s cooking::

🌷May Agenda🌷

⏹️ CYOA Update

I’m not sure exactly how many more rounds the CYOA will take to complete so I’m going to simply state I’m going to get at least one update in each month until it’s done so even if there’s not a fanart poll, there’s something to vote on.

⏹️ Libby & Holly Ch2 Pg 13-20

I’m thinking there will be between 18-24 pages in Chapter 2 so I should be able to get close to completing it this month!

⏹️ More Poll Character Fanart

There were so many gems in this poll I really want to keep playing with them all! This goal also ties into my next goal for the month:

⏹️ Art print illustrations for a gallery show

Ol’ Wint has managed to get himself into a one night only group gallery show of erotic art in my town (Kansas City) in early June and I’m going to be showing some large prints! It will be a mix of a few either old work and hopefully some new things as I want to make some work specifically for it. After the show I’ll put these works on InPrnt (assuming they’ll print them, I don’t know how lenient they are😅

That’s the plan for this month! Thank you as always for supporting my work and helping make this possible. I hope you enjoyed following the progress during April and have something to look forward to this May as well!

