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I made a little mention of physical comic repricing it in my too-long monthly report but here's more info again:

I had to raise the prices on my physical comics  dramatically from $15 across the board to $15 short comics (<30pg) / $20 medium comics(30pg+) / $25 long comics(40pg+) with discounts on bundles, same as before.

I crunched numbers on shipping, paper and toner costs and found this was going to be the way to make it feasible to keep 'em in stock consistently. I hope this isn't a rude shock to anyone hoping to pick up a comic.

If you were someone who was waiting to order a corrected Fitting for a Lady, check your email because I updated your coupon codes to accommodate the price change on your replacement❤️





Why not consider getting a professional press to print up 3k copies of your comics?


The problem with ordering in bulk like that is storage, at least from what I've seen of other artists! Usually artists get the bulk order shipped to their home, and then have to ship from there to the customer.. or they have to pay a lot extra for the company to store the product on their behalf! 😅


Know 👏🏻 your 👏🏻 worth 👏🏻


Yes and yes, economies of scale require scale of storage I don't have. That's definitely the goal ultimately, but it's something I'll work toward so I'm not suffer too many expenses early on. I'm a very risk averse businessman-- I haven't quite reached "publisher" status so dropping $30K on printing makes me sweaty. lol


Is a print on demand service a solid option?


I bought the Winton Kidd Library back when it first went up, I think it was an 11-pack at the time. Now that the Libby &amp; Holly Chapter 1 is up, do I need to start ordering individually, or will you make another bundle after a few more comics have been released? Like a Library v2 or something?


Typically not for explicit content, unfortunately. That is the consistent barrier for a lot of what I've been trying to do.


Individually is the way to go. I think I'll keep updating the library to include more books as I make them. Also, I'll keep bundling together subsequent books as it makes sense to do so! As soon as I have a Libby &amp; Holly Ch2, I will probably be putting it in a 2-pack!

Liam Harvey

Hopefully i remember this time so i can complete the collection!

Liam Harvey

Last time i forgot until it had been weeeeeeks after it announced. This time ive got a Reminder set for after work!