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Thank you all for being patient! Last week was a final crunch for me on a couple other projects, plus taxes being due. Being self employed makes that a little hellish but it's all in the past and I had a little weekend downtime to boot which has me coming back feeling refreshed!

I have been wanting to keep up this kinda playful mirror world situation of Libby's imagination and for this page in particular I spent longer on it than I maybe should have. The next couple pages are gonna be much simpler. Here's a little preview, good luck reading my hand writing lol.

I'm going to be working through all the rough pages I hope to complete this month during this week so I'm just doing final page art the rest of the month. Plus getting the fanart poll up, thank you for all the fantastic suggestions!





Hope the crunch wasn't too bad man!! Take it easy! Also..YEEEEES!!! Space Cadet is one of my fav from you, I'm so hyped to see this cross over happening in Libby's mind! <3

Grace Kieser

Out in space? Are you inserting your older projects into your in-universe fiction? (;


Glad the irony of the old sci-fi stuff I did was that there was never any zero gravity hijinx and that seems like an oversight 😂


A blessed cross over ♡♡


Ooooo i love the way these reference your older works


I hoped that it might be satisfying to see, I mostly just didn't want to have to redesign everything 😂