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Happy April, everyone! Here’s the monthly report, starting with what I set out to do over the past month. 

🍀March Agenda🍀
Libby Ch1 Gumroad Release
Libby & Holly Chapter 2 Pgs. 1-6
Poll Character Fanart
⏹️ CYOA conclusion

Something always gets a miss, it seems 😒At least with this one I was pleased that there’s only one. That pesky CYOA conclusion. It will have to be a part of April instead. Well, here’s how the past month went:

Libby Ch1 Gumroad Release: We started off with the completion of Libby & Holly Chapter 1 getting its gumroad/itch release!

Like usual this meant I had to go collect and compile a bunch of the process artifacts and behind the scenes stuff and arrange it into a book.

That process is getting faster for me and also a little bit more well-planned from the start since I think about book making at more stages than just the end. Making endsheets is now just a thing that I do, it seems.

Poll Character Fanart - I was still working with the fanart prompts from the last poll and having finished up a couple of tentacle witch couple pieces I decided to switch over to some Zelda stuff.

Malon is a delight and I had a lot of fun with sketching her and making a little bit more resolved pieces. I think I still must go back and add some splashes of color to some of the other sketche.

While I started with Malon in the sketchbook side of my work, it kinda started to spread into other characters, namely the Bombchu Bowling girl that came up in the poll discussion.
What started as just little sketch explorations kinda progressed and got out of hand, which I gotta tell in story form.

I had been having a frustrating art week when my buddy HavocTurbo told me to draw a cute girl in a rowboat. I obliged and it worked out pretty well, I think!

Later that week we met up to have a coffeshop draw time and talked about our perennial collaboration aspirations. It seemed like the right time to try working on something together and I suggested a short looping animation to start with!

I finished eating my chocolate bismarck (it was delicious) and went home to quickly work up a sketch concept for him to sign off on. We toyed with animating Malon but Bombchu is an easier first effort. Less drapery and the lighting could be nice a moody while also not requiring much cel shading.

I did a clean line drawing of what I thought the background would be roughly to share with him so he could start on his end when time allowed.

I had a vision of a Ghibli-esque background treatment I would enjoy painting, with the kinda jewel tone sparkles of the backgrounds from Howl’s Moving Castle and took it in that direction.

We’re hoping to have something complete in mid-April, we’re both just slow and busy and it takes time to find a workflow together. In the meantime I switched back to drawing more Malon 🙂

As the month went on I kept up some sketching of other miscellaneous things, I’m still all about this pencil brush in CSP for sketching and I’m finding ways to apply it in finished things, like the Malon illustration above.

Libby & Holly Chapter 2 Pgs. 1-6 - The other big goal for the month was to get 6 pages into Chapter 2 of Libby and Holly.

I made rough sketches for a little bit beyond the six pages I had planned and I’m going to be restarting the roughs process again this month.

This time I got to give Aster a little bit of focus, which I was pleased to see you all enjoyed 🖤

I might have been a little overly indulgent in drawing all those trees in the first few pages and unfortunately I have a plan to slot a couple more pages in there to even out of the flow of the chapter more to my satisfaction.

I wish I could say that I know what I’m doing at all stages of the process but it’s just not the case. One thing I know is that I tend to lose interest in my own stories if I don’t have something horny happening without a certain amount of frequency so it helps to have Aster doing her thing so that I can have some Libby shenanigans for a little bit.

This brings us up to the present! Still no CYOA conclusion, but I knew that it was going to be my low priority project for the month. Here’s what I’m planning currently:

🌸April Agenda:

⏹️ Libby & Holly Chapter 2 pgs 7-17
⏹️ New Fanart Poll + Suggestion Box
⏹️ Physical Comic Store Re-Open + Libby & Holly Ch.1
⏹️ CYOA conclusion

I plan to mostly focus on the comic this month because I’m eager to put down more pages and I have a bit of a rhythm so far. I want to get into the rhythm of doing monthly fanart or theme polls again. It's been fun work and gives me a little bit of structure to my non-comic drawing time and keeps me entertained there.

I’ve been working on doing some repricing work and printing Libby & Holly Ch1 this week to reopen my physical shop. Unfortunately I’m going to have to increase my prices on the physical comics.

It’s a painful thing to do but necessary. I need to justify taking time away from drawing comics to be printing them, as well as cover the ever-increasing materials costs. I will still keep the cost of digital comics the same, because they don’t have the same cost factors.

I’ll make a post when the physical store is open again!

NOTE: For those of you that might be repurchasing Fitting for a Lady because of the misprint issue, I’ll be adjusting your refund cost to cover the change in pricing, don’t worry! 🖤

That's a very long read, thank you for your patience! AND thank you all for your wonderful support and involvement with my work this month. It’s so fun talking about Zelda, Library Science, and tentacles with you all!💕





As usual, amazing art, a pleasure to be here to see it all! Thanks a lot for the hard work, take it easy a bit :D


Thank you for your amazing work as usual! What pencil brush are you using on CSP? I’m trying to get used to it and I’m trying to find brushes that would suit my tastes/are easy to work with.


Thank you Vale!~ For these I'm using the "Real Pencil" default brush but I also like the generically named "Pencil" brush because you can use it at an angle to produce broad-side strokes!