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Happy Wednesday everyone!
I'm putting down roughs for the next chapter finally. It's always a bit of a hurdle I dread doing, usually because I do the thumbnails too far in advance (I did) and I don't exactly understand what all my rough scribbles mean anymore (I don't)! But I made it through for the first handful of pages that I wanted to get done this month, anyways.

Something wonderful about doing a chapter 2 is that I don't necessarily have to reintroduce the characters from the first one this time and I can just jump into a fun scene. I've been wanting to draw Aster and she'll get a couple pages to herself to open this chapter. :)

Hope you enjoy trying to understand my scribbles and with any luck I'll have cleaner versions before too long.





I can’t wait to see it finished!


Now you've got me really hyped up for chapter two 😅 I'm looking forward to see how these roughs will unfold 💕