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I've been a little lacking in time over the past weekend while I get rid of a lingering project deadline. I give you some drawings in exchange for your patience. I'll probably have a bunch more posts to make on Wednesday or Thursday!

🧡 Winton




So lovely! I really like that pose for Libby <3 Take it easy !!


I really like these! They have a sweet (I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for lol) energy.


That's a good observation! Sometimes my pinup drawings turn out really horny and sometimes they just turn out kinda bashful and I kinda like the range of feeling :)


Excited for more content! Always love a good post


I noticed this only lately, but your figures always have some kind of twist in the torso, is that right? Like, the ribcage points in a different direction than the pelvis, it can be very subtle at times, but it’s there.


Good eye! You're 100% correct. One of my biggest influences for poses is the painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau. I think once you start adding twists the body becomes way more dynamic and energetic. I think it's also easier to show form and volume when reference points are turning around a form!


You’re stuff is always worth the wait. Take your time Kiddo 😊


I started paying attention ever since you mentioned that in one of your art talk posts 😄 also, take all the time you need ❤️


Hi! I just found your work and I’m absolutely in love with it, and I have a Burning curiosity as to what brushes/program you use! Lmk if there’s a place I can find that info


Ooh good point! I don't have a FAQ section or anything 🤔 I'll have to do something about that. I make my comics in Photoshop and I like to draw in general in clip studio, esp on iPad on the couch :) I use the same brushes in each for the most part. A basic round soft edge brush with no texture that I use for most of my color shading lately. This brush I honestly think is just called "Pencil" in CSP, a default brush. it's real nice because it has this broad side shading tilt sensitivity like using the side of a real pencil :)