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Ta daa! ✨ Happy Monday friends! Thank you so much for making this project possible! 🖤

Little update:

We're coming up on the end of January now and I'm feeling really good about the state of the comic at the moment. I went through and did a quick audit of some of the older pages, added color and corrected some text (I'll probably keep finding and fixing mistakes as I work on cover art. 

I decided to split Libby & Holly into at least two parts because of how much fun it was to play up Libby's frantic nature. I think it's going to be a better story if it's a little longer so I'm shooting for 40-50 pages total.

 I think the fact that I was able to complete this kinda says something about how unexpectedly difficult the physical comics stuff is. I ended up procrastinating on that by working on this 😅

Since I have this in a good place I'm going to shift focus back to the physical comics.  I really want to have that checked off my list by the time I write the January Report, so stay tuned for an update on that front.





Oh man thank you for this comic! My fiance and I love reading your stuff together and this has been one of our top two favoritea of yours.

Aristotle Fellatrix

We're going to get 20 more chapters, right? I'm not asking for me; I'm just thinking about you and all the different scenarios you can use! Think of the sheer challenge of it all and how you're going to come out the other side of this with... JUST GIVE ME MORE BECAUSE I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH


Gorgeous, fantastic, sexy!!


Fantastic work! Thank you 🥰

Matthew C Baker

Beautiful! and page 17 really is a "Splash" page!


Holy shit im a transfemme librarian, god i hope i look like Libby with time and HRT 🤩🥵


I thought miss taylor was going to become the student she had the hots for when she came off from being ine heat.


Haha Aristotle, buddy :) I'm glad you're enjoying it, I've got a few ideas in mind! Honestly it would be a nice change to just stick with the same set of characters for more than one story!


Hehe I'm having fun taking some liberties with reality and Libby's imagination on this story :)


What an outstanding first chapter fujdbsbdbshsb


my name is aster 🧍


I hope you don't mind me borrowing it :) I think flower names are all really elegant and interesting!


Subscribing to this patreon is definitely the best decision I've made so far this year :) exquisite work