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I'm trying hard to accept showing more of my process this year, even in the moments where I feel it's not resolved and makes me a little uncomfortable, I know I'll figure it out in the end. 

I love having an opportunity for a change of atmosphere described through color and I really want it to feel like Libby did not turn the light on when she entered the bathroom. I hope that it feels like she's in a dark, cave-like, safe space that makes her imagination even more potent.

It feels like a fun flex when you can get a different mood out of the exact same color palette/value range just by  stacking them up a little differently. I had a lot of fun with this same sort of atmosphere change on Ivy & Pine in the cave sequence there:

Page 15 I've changed a lot since the roughs stage. I realized I'm lacking a sort of gradual build from Libby in the bathroom into Libby in her imaginary world again, but with Holly (who I think looks fantastic in Edwardian garb) in the place of Prudence this time.

The result of all the changes is that I have a bunch of half finished panel drawings that I've decided were not gonna help, even tho I kinda liked them. Especially the mirror boner composition, haha :) But they don't go totally to waste because you get to see them here!

Dialog is something I'm trying to stretch and improve on this time around and I'm trying to find the words that strike the tone I want. I  really admire writers who can use language in a way that primes you as a reader for a really satisfying story beat without you even realizing it's happening.

That's what I'm striving for anyways, hope you're all having a good start to your week! Good luck in whatever you're striving for!




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