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Happy Tuesday everyone! Here's a couple pages for ya!

In other news, I am still working on the physical comics. 

Seriously spent 30 hours on this stuff. I'm always fighting with perfectionism but it's easier for me to put it aside in the context of drawing since I have more practice. Graphic design and product stuff is another beast. Hoping to wrap it up this week.

Want some art talk? Keep reading, if not, that's fine too 🧡 I hope you enjoy the pages.

I've been a bit more thorough on coloring with these most recent pages and it's something I'm still not quite sure how I feel about. The only thing I'm sure of is that I want color in this comic to be something that's descriptive, but not always literal.

I like when color flips between an actual skin tone one second, and then atmospheric color the next. It feels flexible and more expressionistic and I think that's must more useful in terms of describing Libby's frantic state of mind.

I feel the same way about detail, it's really gratifying to have a moment of strong physicality, but I also like the kinda idealized cartoonish forms because of how pleasant and easy to read they are.

I guess ultimately this comics is going to be a celebration of drawing in a slightly different way than Fitting for a Lady was. There are fewer lines, they're softer and sometimes a bit more gestural, I'm not as concerned with completing every form and closing every shape.

It wouldn't be a Winton comic if I didn't have some obscure and not lewd at all visual reference I'm inspired by. Can you guess what it is?
That's right, 1960's Eames + Herman Miller furniture catalogs! You're so smart.

I fully plan to opt out of drawing a bunch of books in tons of detail and instead play with these bouncy, lyrical graphic shapes to fill backgrounds. It would be wonderful to have a little post processing stage with these comics to add that grit that makes things feel like they were printed the same way these furniture ads were.

They're stylish, play with negative space in some really bold ways and is just an aesthetic I'd like to play with more to see what it can do in a lewd context.

That's all for today! Thanks for reading and supporting my work, everyone!






I honestly think a big part of it is just the curve, it starts out like it's moving upwards and then slowly bends downward to the skirt hem like a heavy tree limb kinda has a gentle arc to it. I think about trees a lot when I draw lol If you want to draw from it go right ahead! I think redrawing details of other people's work but trying to change something about it is a great way of figuring out why it works. That was kinda the idea behind doing a "manga style" study of Libby from a month ago. I love a lot of things about manga and wanted to figure out why it worked and how I could apply some of it to what I'm doing.


I wish my "manga style studies" had given as good a result xD


Nooo!! I like how you've been exploring style lately! It's good to simplify, makes it easier to create 😌


Ooohhh I could see that happening a little later on for sure. The more I draw these characters the more I want to see them in other contexts. I bet Libby lets her hair down more at home 😏


Whoops, Vale my response to this was unthreaded as a reply for some reason, but I posted it below.👇 Patreon being weird I guess


I like what you said about adding movement through color! I'm going to keep that in the back of my head while I keep working on this! 🤔


I'm glad that my enthusiasm for vintage art stuff can be at least a little bit interesting for other people! :)

Aristotle Fellatrix

Two incredibly fun details are Libby actually locking the bathroom door and, of course, the book cover. Chef's kiss


Oh my gosh they're both SO hot, I love how Libby IMMEDIATELY runs off to the restroom for some alone time. Also really interesting to hear your thoughts on colour. There's something satisfying about it when the colour and style switch between panels, I think it adds some movement/emphasis


Honestly would’ve never thought my nutting material was inspired by a furniture catalogue 😅😂 Its also why I love hearing the behind-the-scenes stuff because inspiration comes from anything and everything that’s around you. I also learn so much from you about vintage art stuff


Oh I also had a quick thought. I know you have your plan already on what your drawing, but any chance we get to see Libby with her hair down at all in this comic? 👀 or perhaps a post-nut messy haired Libby? I’m just throwing ideas out, do as you like with them 😋


Absolutely LOVE the boner detail in the horizontal panel. I wonder if line weight gives it that heavy feel, or does shading play a part in it, as well? Btw, am I allowed to use it as reference for one of my own drawings? Now I’m going to look up these catalogs too 😄


I absolutely adore this comic so far, can't wait to see more!


Libby is truly asking the million dollar question we all encounter amidst many *hard* times in our lives ~ 🤭

Krys Ren

God. It’s just. So good.