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Happy 2023, everyone!!!
Thank you for sticking with me through the past year and to those of you who are new to the patreon: Welcome, I’m thrilled to have you here! 💞

It’s time for our little monthly recap where we look at the progress over the past month, but also in this case, I wanna briefly look at 2022 as a whole.

⛄December Agenda⛄
✅ Fanart/Theme Drawings
✅ Libby & Holly Comic Roughs pg8-16
✅ Libby & Holly Comic Lineart as many as possible
⏹️ CYOA Update
⏹️ Physical Comics on Gumroad

I think I always end up missing the mark on a couple of these goals but 3 of 5 is alright. I think that’s about how I feel about the year as a whole, could have done better, could have done worse.

I really struggled with momentum through the first half of the year because Fitting for a Lady was a technical challenge and I found it difficult to get Libby & Holly started when I struggled with writing. Things got much better as the year wrapped up and I got more consistent. I am keeping my freelance schedule really light so it doesn’t interfere as much with what I’m doing here because it’s just more fun.

I try not to be hard on myself, just honest and fair. I pretty consistently over-estimate what I can do in a month, so I should probably just have fewer goals each month and then I'll always come through 😎

I think this year will go smoother and this patreon will grow as I am more consistent in the work I’m doing, I already feel a lot better about my start to January, which is not usually the case at this point in the year.

Looking back at my first drawings of January 2022 I find it funny that I more or less end where I started. Drawing Libby and a blonde elf with wearing a circlet. 😂

Okay, let's start the recap:

✅ Fanart/Theme Drawings

I’m a little disappointed I haven’t explored more themes and characters from the November poll.

That said, I am proud of how some of them have expanded. I really loved drawing this consentacle elf witch. It was a very fun series and I’m making a complete spread for this month’s dropbox rewards. It's like...10,000 px across 😅

Second on the poll was hikers and dryads so my seasonal piece was a winter weather Poppy & Oak.

I did a lot of hatching and had a good time drawing nature. 🍂I also added another two drawings to the pegging couple because they were sweet and fun to
draw, which I'll be sharing next, so look out for that 👀

I’m assembling these drawings into a big spread as well to wrap it all up as well!

✅ Libby & Holly Comic Roughs pg8-16

Comics are where I’m most likely to lag so the fact that I made itthrough all these roughs is something I’m pleased with!

Of course liked drawing the little fantasy scene for Libby and Prudence but the introduction of Holly is where I really hope the comic starts to heat up.

✅ Libby & Holly Comic Lineart as many as possible

While I got pages 9-16 roughed out, I only got pages 7-8 cleaned up.

I did make some progress on page 9 today though, so I’ll be uploading that next! 🖤

⏹️ CYOA Update

I probably could have traded some Libby & Holly pages for a CYOA update, but I opted to keep my  momentum on that comic instead. I’ll make sure that changes this week so we can see what trouble is behind this door finally. 😤

⏹️ Physical Comics on Gumroad

I flat out just made no progress on this last month and I know that’s a disappointment to some of you. I keep waffling on how I want to approach re-opening the store, but it’s going to happen this month, I’m moving it to the top of my list instead of the bottom.

This Space Express endsheet is the last one I need for all my existing comics to be printable. Having only one check mark for this is a little bit misleading because what remains to do is:

◾Format Space Express Comics for Print. (The digital versions don’t have pages in multiples of 4 which is required for printing because of how pages work)

◾Updated “Laserjet” bellyband to wrap around comics.

◾New double-sided print to retire the double sided Link x Zelda one. ( I always thought of it as a temporary thing)

◾Print, staple, fold and trim

◾Taken new product photos

◾Create new Gumroad listing

Nothing is ever as simple as one check mark. 😔 I’m writing them all out here so I can update you all as different parts of that process are completed. Perhaps showing the progress in photos will make it more fun for me 🙂

Now for this month:


⏹️ Physical Comics on Sale

⏹️ CYOA Update

⏹️ Libby & Holly Lineart and Color pg 10-18

⏹️ New Fanart + Fanart Poll

What’s exciting for me about this short list of things is that the physical comics take a lot of work up front but then handling shipping and all that on a regular basis is pretty easy for me as long as I don't run out of toner or paper. I’m excited to keep pumping out pages of Libby & Holly and adding some new CYOA and fanart to the mix will be great variety.

The other thing I’m hopeful about this year is doing more collaborations with artists who I’m fans of. I’ve long dreamed of putting together a short smut comic anthology with other artists who I admire, especially as a physical release. 🖤 It’s fun to dream, and maybe this year it can become a reality!

I wish you all the best in this new year and thank you for supporting might work through 2022. It made an incredible difference in my life being able to do this work!

Cheers! 🥃





It'll certainly make it more fun for us! I love seeing the process behind things :D


Being able to follow your process is always a blast. Keep up the amazing work!!


Super excited for the physical comics whenever you feel they're ready. Your work is delightful.