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I'm back from a little holiday travel and decided to collect some of the doodles I've done for you here! I started thinking about Amazons and Greeks as a drawing theme from previous suggestions because I haven't gotten that far through the last batch just yet.
But mostly I'm just drawing Libby and Holly to further help familiarize myself with them!



Matthew C Baker

While I would never call your handling of anatomy disgusting or grotesque, I have thought it would be nice to see more realistic treatments. While there's certainly nothing wrong with exaggeration, nor would I want to reign in your imagination, I've always felt normal size to be more provocative. Oversized leaves the realm of reality and thus is less transgressive. Beautiful work as always, don't let my ramblings bring you down.


You always leave such thoughtful comments, Matthew, thank you! ♥️ I think that there is definitely a trade-off that I'm constantly making that you've kinda nailed with this. I feel like cartoons kind of turn up the volume on our ability to empathize with characters because they are simpler and more abstract but in trying to exaggerate there's definitely some nuance left on the table as you said. Thank you for giving me some food for thought :)


I think the part that makes it grotesque in hentai is not only when they make it huge but also super bulging and detailed and veiny. It makes it feel super aggressive, which isn’t quite your style as you’re more sensual and and soft. I think you could make it work in your style though if you experiment a little and try to see how it would work out for you!


I think you're right, some artists seem to like fixating on how grotesque or weird genitals can be but I tend to think of drawing things from the pov of a lover who only sees things in terms of desirability. It can make things maybe a little overly romantic or saccharine sometimes but it's what I enjoy most personally