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Happy Monday, everyone! Finally got around to finishing up that Poppy and Oak pinup I started at the beginning of the month, I decided to incorporate the dropping temps around me this week into the final version.

Hoping to have a lot more updates for you all this week as I was just able to wrap up another project last week finally!





😩 I love this so much!!!


Wow. This is phenomenal work!

Pious Erika

The subtle Weight of the balls, The way the skin interacts... Magnificent.


Proof that something can look very cold and very hot at the same time.


Absolutely, outrageously amazing


I appreciate you caring about the subtle weight of balls because I do too lol 😌♥️


lol I know the very moment it felt cold was when I made Poppy's cheeks redder. 😊

Aristotle Fellatrix

What a happy holiday treat! The beauties that brought me to your Patreon!


Ohh I love it!! The cold makes it even better! They are amazing characters <3


The best part of my day is seeing this. You are so good.

Braden Liatris

It's been several days now and I just keep coming back to this one—it's so, so good. Not the first time I've said it: this deserves (needs!) to exist in (large format!) print. Thank you, as ever, for making the cold season hot!