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EDIT: Found a way to fit the previous two into one spread that's not too bad so I have updated the spread!

It takes some coaxing but the tentacles demon catches on. Happy Wednesday, everyone! I feel like you can read my enthusiasm for drawings based on my line quality. 😂

I feel like I've slid back in time a year, I'm trying to employ that soft shading technique I was fascinated with from the model studies of last winter on these. I'm always fascinated by what gradients do to create a feeling of volume and warmth and brightness. Her butt in the second panel isn't any brighter than the background but it manages to feel illuminated a bit just because it's surrounded by that soft shading at the edges of the form.

Aaaaaanyways, happy Wednesday everyone! 🧡




Oh wow..The sheer fabric, the tentacles pushing against her boobs, her expressions <3 <3 <3 <3


💗I think the nightie has gotten shorter the more I draw it, but maybe nobody will notice 😎


It feels so monstrous yet so romantic in a sense. Something unusual for this type of situation but I do quite enjoy

Aristotle Fellatrix

LOTS of "I Roved Out" vibes here and I LOVE it.


💕 I think that's why I have found this prompt so compelling. It's really fun to take a different direction on a trope like this!


One thing I absolutely adore from your pieces is that you’re always able to convey passion in the characters pleasure 🥰 Also soft glowy butts are always amazing😍