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I promise Holly will show up soon. :) I'm going a little overboard with the lineart still-- I haven 't quite found the simplistic cartoonier groove that i was hoping to with this and I think the Edwardian influence is doing it to me 😔

It turns out I have a stronger aesthetic groove worn in when it comes to drawing Prudence so I find it overtaking and making the Libby style a little bit secondary.  It's like my hand rebels when I try to draw a cartoonier Prudence, haha.

I'm going to not worry about it too much and just say it's part of the process and if I have to touchup later, I will. For now I'm trying to resume my working process of just putting a little bit of work on these pages every day instead of trying to actually finish them in one sitting and that leads to more progress, even if I keep getting sidetracked by all the other little drawings I've started 😅

💖 Thank you all for the support, hope you're enjoying these pages and I'll be putting up a November Report either today or tomorrow, so apologies for the dropbox reward delay for gold patrons!

The upside is that all of these new pages in high res will be included in that bundle!

Happy Friday! 🥃




I love this stuff. Getting your notifications is a shiny part of my day and I need to look immediately! Damn yer good!


We're in a feedback loop then because getting nice comments is the shiny part of MY day. 🥰 Thanks Adrien!


I came here as fast as I could! This is fantastiiic I wasn't expecting this 😍


I agree with Adrien - whenever I see you posted something here, I immediately have to check because I'm curious about the treat! Also I love these pages yet again. For some reason I couldn't see Prudence in a more comic style either, and I don't think the pages look bad. Actually I like them this way, but maybe that's because I focus on other things more, like expressions, motion details (shaky lines for example 👀), or a certain aesthetic in clothing. Libby looks stunning in that Edwardian dress, I love the boobi squish. The ear nibble from Prudence is a nice detail, too 💕 Sorry, I'm rambling 😅 Keep up the good work, and have a nice weekend ☕

Aristotle Fellatrix

I have the vapours... Libby is getting her own Gibson Girl treatment?? *continues fanning self*

Grace Kieser

She has a vivid imagination!


💕💕💕 I didn't expect to get them both done either but the second page was really annoyingly difficult so I just wanted to get it finished 😂


♥️I always appreciate rambling because that's how I usually communicate too 😅 I hope you have a lovely weekend as well Fuya! ☕


I'm planning to fully exploit it to do a lot of fun melodramatic things in this comic 😌


Saw your art on Twitter and just had to tell you how beautiful your style is 💕


Some very cute facial expressions on these pages 🥰


I'm really taking my time and enjoying the faces in this. I feel like the characters have a lot more distinct energy in this book so far so it's easier to draw more variety in the expressions too!