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Happy Monday!
I haven't had a sketchbook process update in a while, I'd like to do things in a bit more informal way if everyone's okay with that. Still posting sketchbook pages and whatnot but also kind of embrace the more casual and basically show everything that's currently on my desk :)

1. Indesign snippet of a new endsheet I had to make. Adding the endsheet to the Jessica Rabbit comic meant I was at 14 pages and I needed to add another two to bump it up to something divisible by 4 so I did this little vanity scene title page. It's cute and kinda reminds me of a Looney Tunes title card or something!

2. Printed form!

3. Libby Page 4 WIP. 

4. Libby CSP animation scribble.

A good friend of mine explained how the CSP timeline works so I have a half started Libby animation. It's the sort of thing that I might not finish but it was good to get comfortable and acquainted with the software.

I don't often do nsfw animation, but I have worked in animation, it might be better for my social media numbers if I did, but I have difficulty focusing on anything for very long so I usually keep it at arms length.

Thank you for supporting my work, everyone! 🥰

