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This was one of the poll theme suggestions that I saw some of you were "upvoting" with likes so I didn't bother putting on the poll because I knew I would do it no matter what haha 😏 so what's the point, right?

I might keep drawing more poses for this because I am not entirely satisfied with just these three!

Thank you for your support as always, but especially with the poll related content, I'm always struck by the great variety of suggestions. You all are the best!!! 🥹





This may be a weird thing to get sappy about, but I really appreciate this. It's nice to see some depictions of women like me in sexual situations that I feel are more accurate to my experience. 💜


It's a rare thing for an artist to hear that their work is actually doing some good in the world beyond just being fun distraction (not that there's anything wrong with that), so these kind of comments really mean a lot to me!💖 Thank you Arriana!!


It's really wonderful to see something as sweet and genuine as this, you're truly amazing Winton!


Also if you are the character on the left, I'm very single


I want to give credit to the suggestion in the first place, when I read it, I instantly wanted to draw something for it. Haha I wish I was that cool. I feel like my work is just celebrating every different flavor of dream girl I have ever seen or imagined. This flavor is Debbie Harry with a punk haircut 😍


Amazing <3