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Back from vacation at last! ⛺ I'm getting organized again and sorting through things I missed while I was away. 

Usually I get a lot of mental clarity out of travel and while that was partially true, I didn't have a eureka and totally solve the storyline like I hoped I would. I think this means I'm over-complicating things and so I'm going to try stripping back my process for a bit so I can solve simpler problems for a while until I can figure this thing out.

The good news is that I think this might mean a bit more fanart. I'll keep working on some of the suggestions I wanted to try to try from last month, tho!

Thank you, as always for supporting my work and making it possible for me to get away for a bit and recuperate!

♥ Winton




I love these two! Cool to hear about fanarts, actually, whatever you do I'm happy haha! Don't worry about that Eureka problem, your holidays were what they needed to be : holidays. Things will fall into place on their own! No pressure man!


They are so cute together!


Thanks for your kind support and understanding, Wuff! ♥ I think the longer I've been back the more I've realized how good it was for me. :)