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Hello friends, it’s time for our monthly report!

My work is always a bit divided a bit between SFW clients and the work we do together here. Over the past few months that split has really worn me down and for a couple months I’ve been struggling to cut the other stuff out of my life so I can spend more of my time making comics. I think it’s more fulfilling in a lot of ways and it is just more enjoyable.

August is when those gears really started to shift and I am at a much better ratio of lewd work to non-lewd and I’m loving it. Thank you for making my life so much better. ♥

Here’s the short version:

☑ Fitting for a Lady Finished and released

☑ CYOA Sword and Sorcery adventure started

☑ Sketchbook filled with Libby & Holly exploration drawings and also I’m coming back to traditional media somewhat.

☑ Things are getting pretty hairy (nyuck nyuck) with werewolves and Animal Crossing drawings.

☑ Leah from Stardew and some sci-fi silliness.

☑ Libby & Holly is still in the writing stage.

Long version:

First priority of the month was getting Fitting for a Lady released in its final form. So that means a lot of collecting, formatting, and writing little blurbs to explain what it is in product descriptions, etc.

After finishing up the back cover and formatting stuff I had the end sheet illustration on my wishlist and I finally had time to take that on so that was another element to get to!

It’s so good to have that comic finished and out in the world now and thank you for all making it possible!! ♥

I know there’s an awkward phase between comic projects that is kinda boring so I sounded the horns for suggestions for fanart and and other things, which you all graciously provided IN SPADES. Seriously you have the best, most niche suggestions sometimes, I love it.

Initially I was just gonna sketch some orcs and werewolves but I had been sitting on this CYOA idea for months and progress on Libby Comic™ has been exactly as slow as it always is for me.

So now we’re on an adventure together and you all really like the tall, strong ones, it seems. 😏

The process is a lot of fun too and I’m going to get to draw a lot of silly sword and sorcery ideas, which I’m excited about! I have started doing Orc-oriented studies of power lifters for the sketchbook pages that gold patrons see.

But the sketchbook also contains a lot of Libby & Holly right now.

And Animal Crossing characters, because drawing soft, furry things is also a new trend with me, again thanks to your suggestions! Also very convenient because I’ve started playing Animal Crossing on the Gamecube again for sentimental reasons.

Sorry for making you into a cute girl, Sasha, I’m going to try again, I promise. When I see an over-sized letterman jacket I just want there to be a skirt under it.

Werewolves are surprisingly hard for something I’m so used to seeing, mostly because there’s a real fine blend of soft and cute I always try to hit while still being monstrous. Other folks are very skillful at this and I have newfound respect.

One of the other delights of taking suggestions was I got to revisit some characters and scenes I’ve had stuck in my head and play with some other very self-indulgent and fun ideas, hence more Leah from Stardew.

And thes two goofs as absurd Megami Device-inspired cosplayers. I haven’t done much for sci-fi as of late, probably because my day job SFW stuff was kinda sci-fi oriented earlier this year.

The other trend that’s shown up for me this month is natural media again in a real sketchbook  

So now we're in September and back to Libby stuff. I have a goofy idea (those are usually the ones I trust most) for how to make the Libby story a bit more interesting but it’s taking some extra planning. I’ll definitely be drawing pages by the end of the month! 😤

So let’s talk this month. My wishlist for myself is:

Continue CYOA  adventure.

Your old pal Wint takes a hiking trip the week of the 11-17th.

(Out of office babeeeee 😎🌲🥾)

Finish Libby story script and start on new pages.

Do more fanart whenever possible

Get physical comic store online again.

A lot of you have asked about physical comics and the reason it’s taking so long is because I’ve been having trouble finding a storefront with a payment processor that I can trust not to suddenly decide they don’t like my adult content and shut freeze my account. I might be paranoid about that possibility but I hate doing all that setup only to have it overturned. I wish I could stick with gumroad but it’s just clunky enough that I’ve accidentally missed some orders and sent them out much later than I would like.

That said, I think I have finally decided on a platform that will work with my website domain and I’m aiming to have it ready to open shortly after I get back from my trip.

Thank you all for your tremendous support this month! ♥ You’re the best and I hope you like the new stuff I’m working on!

♥ Winton




Another amazing month, once again! So many unique art and themes! Can't wait to see more of the CYOA 😍 Enjoy your little hiking trip, that's so cool! Take it easy with work!


Definitely wanna know what that platform you decide to use for the physical comics ends up being. Also hope the mid-month trip goes well for you too! You deserve it!