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I drew some Libbys and just really liked how they turned out. I've started using traditional media a bit more again, which is always a part of my planning and sketching process for the comics, but it's fun to see a character in watercolor.
I don't know if I'm any closer to finalizing a design, it may just be that she has a lot of costume changes 😂 Indecision breeds complexity.

Sasha's design is very cute and I have been playing the Gamecube version of Animal Crossing again just because that game is peak charming to me. I might have to do fanart of some of my villagers in that version because they're so goofy and mean. They have like nothing but sassy dialog in that game. 

As an aside-- Thank you all for your fanart suggestions and for making the CYOA project so much fun! I'm excited to see where things land tomorrow and keep going with it next month. I hope you enjoy it as a little diversion while i figure out the next comic plot.

I'm planning to go simpler on a visual level, probably black white and pink, and more complicated with the story/characters this time. I want to experiment with how adding more plot to the story can heighten or add to the eroticism of the sexy parts. 👨🏻‍🔬 The other part of this experiment will be just figuring out more of it before I start drawing so I'm not having to fix so many things to fit in speech bubbles like with Fitting for a Lady.

♥ Winton




Ahhh, Libby 😍 And I'm not suddenly very interested in picking up skateboarding!

Cole Pulcinella

I love how you drew Sasha but... Sasha's a boy! Everyone was surprised when they found out lol


Aaaah Sasha's so cute! X3 Cole's right, Nintendo says they're male but I personally think that they could also have cute boobs :3c Thank you for drawing this 💕 And the more I see of Libby, the more curious I get to see a fully fleshed out comic with her some time in the future 👀


Oh my god this is what I get for only like Google image searching😅 thanks for the correction. I never had Sasha in my own village so I should have looked into it further. I guess now I have to do another one ♥️


Ahhh i have got to start reading the wikis more thoroughly lol 😅 I'm resolved to do two versions now 😤

Cole Pulcinella

lol it's ok. He's new from the new Horizons 2.0 update last fall. And a lot of people draw him very feminine


Don't worry, Wint! Sasha is cute nonetheless 💕 And I always had the feeling that Nintendo had specific intentions by making Sasha the way he's made ^^