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Dunno what's gotten into me lately but my sketchbook seems really all over the place. I'm pretty sure I drew a bunch of these while just sitting on the couch with my wife, watching her play Stardew with one of those nighttime Animal Crossing soundtrack compilations running in the background. 

I'm sure my ability to draw orcs will improve greatly over the next week or so but I added a buuuunch photos of power lifters to my reference folder to help with drawing orcs. I don't know how well I'll stay on model with our yet unnamed orc in a loincloth--she might get shorter and more thick as we go 😅

Also I'm really close to what feels like a fun script for the Libby comic which I'll tease out a bit of once I've finalized some things, I think you'll mostly see it evolve through character drawings as I try to pin down their looks. ♥

Happy Tuesday everyone!





Omg sexy, short muscular Orcs and a Libby comic 😩😩💦 What did I do to deserve such absolute treasures??


♥️ you generously supported your neighborhood lewd artist through the better part of a too stressful year so that he can do his best work at last 😤


It seems my prayers have been answered 😩