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Usually when drawing animal inspired characters I kinda know when I tip into furry territory but with these I was thoroughly baffled as to what made a good humanoid werewolf 😂 

Nothing wrong with furries of course, it's just not my normal fare. So these feel kinda silly to me, like I haven't quite figured out what I'm doing. It started to make more sense when I started on this 1970s casual werewolf tho. I'm just particularly bad at drawing muzzles and that's the problem so maybe I'll put on my furry hat and just get into it. 

One of you had specifically requested "soft werewolf" and that was of course appealing to me. I love drawing fluffy so I might come back around to this. I'm kinda having fun combining a lot of the suggestions you all gave so I can hit as many as possible, so maybe there are also werewolves in the sword and sorcery stuff to come 😏

Definitely more than a little influenced by my buddy Panimudio's noir cat characters of late 👀 Which I encourage you all to check out if you wanna see some fresh nsfw art. They're on twitter too :)

Happy Friday friends!





She's so cute! Definitely need more of her! 😍❤❤❤❤❤❤


So gooooooood


Softest werewolf I can think of is Dee Wallace in the very last scene of The Howling from 1981. There's uh... absolutely nothing sexy about it, I just felt like bringing it up. Also big fan of the way the socks are ripped on that first pic. Something satisfying about how it helps break apart the legs in a design sense.


Duuuuude!!! Who knows that the 70s vibe would fit so well!! Happy to have witness this haha!!


You have no idea how happy this made me 💓 I loooove werebeasts especially werewolves and to see them in your style *chef's kiss*

Bud Chudley

Perhaps "soft werewolf" could be more in the mold of Lon Chaney's (and Benicio Del Toro) Wolfman. But the pics are lovely already.

Aristotle Fellatrix

Thank you for NOT doing the three rows of breasts!


seeing this immediately made me think of A Canadian Werewolf on Campus (https://archiveofourown.org/works/10669605) Also, sidenote: would you consider buff werewolf lady


you are a master of pubic hair <3


I know I could count on you to have insightful movie references 😂 I love it, thanks for the design compliment also. I couldn't think of a clever shirt for her to be half wearing but I knew socks would be fun :)


Ahh fantastic! Is there a lot of were-Zelda content in the world? It never occurred to me to wonder before and it strikes me that you might be the person to ask 😏


Ohhh that's an idea! I'll think about that going forward. I'm grossly under educated on were media 😔


Bahaha I think that choice is a tinge too intimidating for me :) if she was a wolf goddess living in a dungeon, perhaps I'd consider it? 🤔


Wow everyone has such great werewolf content references! 😂🙏🏻 I am actively looking into the future of buff werewolf ladies


Lol, I would say there's not enough were-Zelda stuff out there, especially not the sexy stuff 😉 Because Link turns into a wolf in Twilight Princess you see a lot more were-Link artwork and him looking hot as a wolf 🐺💜 Bet no one has done a were-Sheik before tho 👀💦 *sweats nervously*


I'm such a huge fan of your 70s aesthetics on them down to the thigh highs~! (Much love bud! ~ And TYSM for the S/O! :O)


I'm always inspired by the way you leverage vintage palettes in your work! So I'd say you're partially to blame for the 70s look here 😏