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There, now that I have your attention, I am soliciting fanart/theme suggestions!

Should I go back to do some sword and sorcery barbarian stuff? Do we go sci fi robot girls? Let me hear your thoughts!

There's always an uncomfortable gap between comics that is just me struggling to figure out what the next thing is and start drawing, so let's fill it with some fanart bits and bobs that can help me shift gears from Gibson girls down to something softer, more colorful. :)

Thank you!

♥ Winton



Bud Chudley

Since I'm a nerd, how about supernatural noir? Based on films like Cast a Deadly Spell and RPGs like Bloodshadows and Deadlands:Noir. Mystery, shadows and smoke, strange supernatural dealings in the dark - and also cute naked girls. (It was this or just yelling "More Libby!" over and over)


I'd love to see some women in dresses/formal wear flashing their bitties; but international edition. It'd be cool to see how you tackle other outfits than European/Western dresses.

Ross the Boss

Never hurts to revisit the FF girls


Sword and sorcery is always fun! Fanart-wise some Zelda would fit right in with that theme. :)


I would love to see some wood elves…

The Official Bean Man

It'd be cool to have some DnD style stuff, I think the chaos would flow very naturally with your sense of humor in comics


I'd kind of like to see more of that bunny lady from the sketchbook a few days ago.


I really appreciate you saying that, I'm hoping it's proven too be true 😅

Matthew C Baker

How about some retro-60s sci fi Barbarella?


Throwing Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons out there.


How about something like A Princess of Mars? Like Dejah Thoris sort of style?