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My freelance work is conspiring together to make it impossible to finish this cover. I keep putting in a little work here and there and I'm verry close but there's just some little things that bother me still.

As for my sketchbook I keep drawing Libby and Holly, it's really satisfying to keep slowly exploring the characters, different clothes, etc. Kinda makes me wonder if there's the potential to do multiple short stories instead of one comic. We shall see.

I think I'll talk more about this when it's not so hot and I'm so tired 😅 but I've kinda reached a threshold of exhaustion with my regular SFW freelance work that is just not palatable anymore and I'm putting a hard stop on it for the next couple of months. NSFW work is something that has just been a fun side hustle for a long time but I really find it so rewarding that I want to give it a larger part of my time so I've been telling other clients NO for the past few weeks.

If things go to plan August/September/October will find me with more down time I hope to spend making things for you to enjoy and finally breaking this frustratingly slow comics pace.

♥ Have a lovely weekend everyone and I'll hopefully have this cover done very soon! Thank you for your patience, as always. ♥





I also love the pairing of Libby and Holly. It's what's given me the idea for Holly going hiking, meeting a dryad, then going to the library to learn more, and eventually bringing her cute hiker friends (Poppy and Ivy) to the library to learn more about dryads from the secret section in the back where all the special books are kept.


I swear you're just drawing more Libby on purpose now 😤🥵😩💦🍆


I always thought that authors and comic artists have to have really grand visions to come up with the expansive universes they create but now I'm starting to think it's all just accidental 😂 I mean every single one of these ideas started very short and simple but by proximity they feel very easy to interconnect!


It's a bad habit tbh, she's my destress character to draw and it's distracting me from finishing the Gibson girls! 😅