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Happy Tuesday, everyone! It took way too long but we've got a comic on our hands now. Words, pictures and all all in sequence, no less! I'm certain that there are typos and stuff--I'm not offended if you want to spellcheck me 😂 I'll make a final final post when I've patched all the mistakes and finished the cover art which is my next task.

I've already done a lot of little spot fixes between this and the last time I uploaded these pages, mostly with faces. I'm hoping everything is a tad more uniform now.

After a little text exploration I'm between a few options for a title treatment, here's a couple I like so far, but ultimately it's just looks best on the cover I think. Let me know what you think!

I'll do a more process-y/sketch oriented post for gold patrons tomorrow about the typography and cover art sketches as they develop.

For a cover treatment I keep coming back to Coles Phillips' "Fade-Away" girls. There's a lot of playful things I can do with this graphic approach.
I wanna see a graphic, solid white measuring tape squishing into flesh. In a way it'll kinda be a cute nod to the pitiful white stripe censorship techniques in hentai manga. 😂 Funny how this is just about as far as I can get from hentai and yet the influence is still there.

Also just look at that lace! I'ma definitely be painting some lace!!
Thank you for supporting me in this project, especially with as long as it's taken 😭 I assure you that for my and everyone's sake we're going to take a hard turn into simple/sketchy territory for a bit once this book is totally donezo. ♥





Great work!


Thank you for this delicious comic ♥!


Yay! Congratulations! It’s fabulous.

Joe Zuniga

This is really great work!


I'm glad to hear it Joseph! I've spent too long on it I can't even tell anymore 😂


You really REALLY nailed this project DOWN!! ✨♥︎✨ Such a delightful read~!


Incredible! It was your Gibson Girl stuff that drew me to you and this is such a delight to see come to fruition.


Ahh thank you for sticking along for the ride lureynol!❤️ I'm really pleased that you found me through this project! Thank you for supporting it! 💖


I have not been online recently (Steam sale, bought Fallout 3, been fiddling around with mods and such—anyways!) I’m just browsing through everything now and catching up, my eyes have been blessed with smutty goodness 🤩


I'm glad it can be a warm welcome for you! :) I've been eyeing some of those deals myself, let me know if you find any fun indie titles❤️


This is so amazing, I'm so glad I'm finally able to go back and read this because I've been holding off for so long. Beautiful work as always!