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Well, May was a challenging one, I won't lie. I usually don't like talking about my deficiencies because it sounds like making excuses and I don't want pity for having a difficult time (tell me what kinda emotional repression that sounds like 😂) but I can't deny that May was really difficult for mental health for me. I normally think of burnout as being about not having the energy to work, but this was just emotional exhaustion more than anything else.

This is going to be more rambling than my normal reports as a result, but I'll try to keep it concise. I feel like I should be as honest as possible with patrons, it's the least I can do considering the wonderful support you're giving me. ♥

When something like this happens I try to put the best face on it and learn a lesson so I can do better in the future. I'm a capable independent artist, but being a manager at my company of me is something I'm not as practiced at as with drawing, and I can't just pretend that I'm not my own boss. In terms of developing my skills, I think I would benefit more from learning how to be a better manager than improving  my drawing ability right now.

I'm usually pretty good at weathering emotional Storms (see, this is relevant to the picture 😛) and give myself space and time to recover, but at this point I have a bad track record of over-booking myself, so I'm seeking some new strats. (Enter: Therapist recommended reading) So I started reading "Atomic Habits" by James Clear and "Burnout" by Emily Nagoski PhD and Amelia Nagoski DMA.

I tend to beat myself up when I slacken my pace on comic projects, and I'm disappointed that Gibson Girls has taken so long, but these books are really changing my attitude in a potent way.
Particularly Atomic Habits has reframed the way I'd like to work in the future. The whole philosophy of the book is to focus on changing your identity rather than racing after goals as a way of building habits. 

This means that for me it's gonna be more important that I practice being an erotic comic artist every day, rather than meeting some particular page rate. If I live up to that identity and do the things an erotic comic artist does every day, the pages will take care of themselves, even if I only finish a single panel some days.

This month I got new thumbnails and roughs done but only like one actual finished page, and it's just because I kept waiting for perfect circumstances to work on it instead of just chipping away whenever I had time. The Gibson style is more complex so it makes me want to be "in the zone" which is anti-productive.
My new strategy is going to be to just make sure I keep the habit of working on this stuff in some tiny way every single day, because when I break that consistency it takes me much longer to get back to the work.
The good news is, this has already started helping and I had that new page to show for it at the end of the month!

My non-Gibson drawing stuff is still in the regular kinda spaces, lots of pink. 💗

I still want to make sure I keep using color or else I'll wither away so doing this office image was a nice break.

The sketchbook this month was fairly consistent, mostly just because I treat it as a de-stressing activity so I can do it for fun on the couch. I think I messed around with more different brushes than usual too!

As an antidote to the Gibson style I've also been drawing more cuter 90s manga-style proportions. I've got a bad Ranma 1/2 infection in my drawing hand ;)

The main thing that didn't make it into my regular posts was that I started learning InDesign as a way of getting the most out of printing with the new printer, which has remained criminally under-utilized.

I started with reformatting my oldest comics from the Space Express series, just to see what they might be like printed. And guess what, they're GOOD printed! I only ever printed my latest comics in inkjet because it took so much time for the inkjet to print that I really just couldn't output that many. The laserjet is WAY faster and can do ledger(11x17) sized duplex printing, which was always my dream to have. I have weird dreams.

I can't wait to get all my physical comics up for sale  in this newer, larger size 9"x6.5". The laserjet prints have a more professional feel because they have a glossy finish like you'd expect of a comic with a richer value range compared to the inkjet.

If you've made it this far, thank you for being patient as I sort through stuff, my goal is always to be a better artist, but it's clear that I need to focus on being a more consistent artist by setting reasonable outcomes for myself.

The funny thing is that I know that if I can stick to this idea, I will probably increase my output because I'll just relieve the stress and pressure that slows me down and causes the inevitable burnout cycle.

This month Gibson Girls will get a title and get finished and while I won't post every day, I will be working on it in a small way at least every day.

Thanks for all your wonderful support of my work, everyone. I'm humbled that you help me do this work and I'll do my best to improve my management skills so that I can deliver on what I know I'm capable of more consistently and with less unnecessary stress. :)

♥ Winton



Ian Joicey

Looking forward to having an all-physical collection in the new format!


Thanks Ian!! Me too! I'm gonna try to make their sizes more uninform so they fit nicely on a shelf. 😌


More physical to buy you say? We'll, I'll be in :D Glad things are going better slowly for you, take it easy, thanks again for the amazing work!


I love that you sought therapy and reading those books to help you. Sounds like it was a smart move. Makes me want to consider reworking my identity to better form healthier habits. I do hope you start to see a positive change 💜 Of course we're here to support you. I love your art and always enjoy hearing about your life. Makes me feel not alone in my own struggles 😅 Take care, Winton ❤️


I'm glad it can be helpful to others. I think I have more deep seated guilt/shame than I realize when it comes to not wanting to burden others with my troubles. Mostly because I feel like my troubles are so much lesser than those of others in the world right now. I do think that it was a smart move though, seeking to understand myself better has always lead to positive things :) I hope you're constantly finding new and better direction in your life as well!


I appreciate that you want to be honest with your Patrons 😊 IMHO it's good and a sign of strength that you sought help from a therapist, and I'm so happy for you that their suggestion actually helped you. Sometimes it's just a small nudge into the right direction that can result in significant (long term) changes in/for the future. Even if May wasn't as productive as you would've liked it to be you still managed to create something. I'm still looking forward to the Gibson Girls, and I'll check for the prints as well since I'm old school and like to have printed editions at home 💕 Take care, Wint 🌻


I really love that you are so self-reflective and open about your work! Definitely not what (horny) me expecteded, when i signed up to your patreon. I have terrible self-management but seeing you discuss the importance of it really makes me want to work on that one too! So thanks alot for the monthly Updates! And horny me also thanks you for the great, dreamy and creamy content!


Thanks Fuya ♥🥺 Usually I can tell I'm making the right choice if it feels uncomfortably honest and sorta humbling. At the very least I'll know I'm doing something different than just trying to put my head down and keep working, which is a kinda flawed strategy at this point 😅


Hey Balle, I'm glad to hear that. I know it's probably a little awkward tone-wise for the patreon since it's not strictly horny vibes here. Every once in a while stuff like this happens though, and if I address it I can usually get back to the horny stuff a little easier. So thank you for being open to both types of content!!!! ♥


Really loved to read your self-insight, I feel many people can relate to what you are saying, including myself. I haven't been able to articulate the "change your identity" bit before, but that is something I've been working on myself actually. The book you mentioned puts it very well.


I'm glad to hear that, buddy! I think the hardest part of it for me is the ego blow of having to accept starting very small and just sticking to that. It's very un-sexy to do small steps!😅